How do i protect myself from my family’s energy?

So my family prays alot but they self sabotage me and themselves and others all the time with stupid negative words everyday.

The unconsciously sabotage everyone
They think they are praying good for me but in reality they are sabotaging the fuck outta my goals.

I want to break all energetic links between myself and everyone so i can stop them unconsciously sabotaging me. Tell me some methods please

Backstory- i live with my family in an apartment.
Few days ago i got some nice opportunities thanks to magic
Like i was talking to a multimillionaire ceo and talking about me joining his company as a designer and he would get me alot of work
The guy was asking for my paypal to send some money so i can design something for him

And I didn’t had paypal unlucky

That same day i got a message from a cold outreach i did and guy was interested in buying my services

Went downstairs out of excitement to tell about it
(Big mistake)

I told my family i am gonna move to a different state and live in a nice apartment as i sleep with someone in room

And they unconsciously got scared and possessive and fked the shitt outta my magic.

I still have conversation open with both the work persons but oh boy after the conversation with family i immediately realised wtf i just did i knew it they sabotaged my magic unconsciously
I just knew it

And my state of mind and the people that provided me with work state of mind changed

Like it was never the same again

Now please help me break the energetic link so they cant sabotage me

They dont even realise what they do

I am done now i need to get outta this place so i can achieve my goals

I would never say a word to them ever again about magic

Someone help me with methods in breaking this energetic link.


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There many tutorials in the forum.

I do have some experience with this since I live with my Christian family and done magick pretty much shamelessly.

I agree that living with other people can really fuck up your magick and since they are so close to you and you simultaneously open yourself spiritually you can literally feel their thoughts and emotions about you and even worse they can influence you.

I remember those time it was so bad it was like my emotions were not mine.

I personally used my tutorial named “How to cut energetic Cords and Unmerge with other people”


I just did an unlinking spell. Seemed to work