How do demons see us?

Do they take humans as low level beings or do they have some kind of respect, love for humans?

Do they like to show off that they are capable of doing things?

Do demons have beef with each other?


Ask each individual demon, then you’ll know because each have their own view of humans and then you take in we’re not the “only” humans, there’s a handful of different humans that aren’t us.

Some demons have “beef” with each other, just as any beings can, different tribes, empires, individuals, and so forth. Some younger infernal demons look down on their older devils.


Lucifer, King Belial, Abaddon, Prince Sitri (oh boy, he have a very protean personality). They’re all handled me at first place as a strong and beautiful soul, a being behind this fleshbag. They helped me to accept my human body, but at the same time they’re all reminded me that I’m not a “lower human being”, but much more.

In my opinion, most of them are able to see through the material dimension, behind the veil because they aren’t the part of it, and because they have the ability to see your soul and “touch it” from a different perspective, because they have a different perspective than yours.

I can say that even if they know the fact that you are not the body, based on their personality they can act in a way you’ll feel yourself in a very negative way. It all depends on you and the demon, and your relationship. Yes, they can be hostile to you and they can handle you as a weak, worthless being - there is a reason behind this behave, never forget!
I had very well relationship with demons who in 99% cases just abused, attacked and harassed others for fun and free energy.

Do they like to show off that they are capable of doing things?

Sometimes they do sometimes they not. They aren’t a slaves, and they don’t have to prove anything at all. So it depens on them. It happens that they won’t show their power then, when you are unprepared, they will - so even then, you can see that they have theor own free will, mood and so on.

Do demons have beef with each other?

Of course. Just like you with others sometimes. Different personalities, goals, preferred suits and so on.

Every demon is different, so if you want an authentic, individual response, ask them.


Dpends on the personality of the demon and how they view humans, i don’t have a good view on humans but thats just me.
Some respect humans some don’t.
Beef, yes they can have beef with each other, just like any other person. Some angels have beef with me.


I see them as “keys” and when I have a key a door is often revealed. Its up to me to use that key to open that door. I’ve literally had a dream about this and I see it all the time in synchronicities and way things come to be.

Example: I wanted to get a towel for myself during this last summer; a nice big beach towel to use after I shower as I was tired of the old ratty towels I was using that could be anyone’s. I put it off as I had other bills to pay for and was waiting for a sale. Well, I waited too long and the towels were put of that stores seasonal section so I figured next year. Well, during my bike run for groceries I saw something by a fire hydrant. It was colorful. I said, “if its there after my grocery trip I’ll check it out.” (giving opportunity to whoever lost it to find it.) Well, nothing and I stopped and picked it up. It was a gorgeous beach towel of a Hawaii sunset. And it smelled like it had just been washed even though it was wet like after a spin cycle. Its mine now and I love it.

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that was pretty cool👍🏼

You know what when i was at work and i was by myself i looked in the mirror i saw a girl she was blonde with blue eyes and paled skin with a horn when i turned around she wasn’t there so i guess that’s my (key).

Really to me depends on the Demon , some Have the feeling to be somewhat macho and others can be sweet others are just like your professor in college others come off sexual they’re all different in there own way on how to treat us or look at us, (and I don’t think they look down on us) but just like each of us have personalities so do they, if you’ve worked with more than one you’ll know, Like Lucifer is very loving and welcoming, Azazel is a lot more aggressive and more on the dark side of things but is there for you obviously after the pact, he definitely likes to show his presence or let you know he’s there when Lucifer is more sensitive and comes when you ask unless he wants to show you something…idk did I come off wrong

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During my first evocation ever, I had a powerful vision of entities using us as puppets/meat suits to look through and interact with the material world, sort of like how we don avatars to move around and manipulate the world inside a computer game. In particular, I was shown how they can look through multiple humans simultaneously, like a security guard watching multiple cameras. Now, many entities seem to have a vested interest in evolving these playable characters to transcend the simulation, but others don’t seem to care who they use or manipulate in order to achieve their particular ends, at least in my UPG.


Depends on the demon.

Some like us, some hate us; and then there are others who see us like squirrels or pigeons: we exist, but they won’t interfere unless we’re being a nuisance.

I think it’s safe to say that some do. I personally don’t know any that do.

Oh yes! But even demons who get along, still get into arguments every so often, like Lucifer and Belial.


Demons have a lot of patience for us, they are literally the frontier of realisation. So when they endorse our requests; they are already doing a big favour. I can’t describe anything more than their patience.


Yesterday I talked to an Eshu, he said “we see you all like sacks of shit, but we love you all”