How did witches practice back then?

this made me laugh because damned if it isn’t true in so many situations. people did use meditation back then it was in the form of music and dancing, the strobe of a fire the darkness of a forest or cave and liquor and other fun intoxicants made from herbs. people don’t seem to appreciate the fact that we seek trance, it’s part of our biology.

It’s not “literally Eastern Mysticism”. It’s far more complex and cannot be “bottom lined” that easily.

It is “European” but it ain’t from the the Elizabethan Era or the middle or dark ages. It goes back way farther than any of that.

You actually need to go even farther back to a time when magick was mainstream—Rome during Caesar’s time… and before, Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia; etc. Soothsayers, witches, oracles, all sorts of divination; all of it constituted a practical spiritual reality that was perfectly integrated with fertility, food production, politics, etc…entire civilizations were based in magick.

Ancient Kabbalistic practices were heavily steeped in meditation and chakra work.

They all did chakra work…except that it wasn’t called chakra work or Eastern philosophy.

It was called modern medicine back then :rofl:. Virtually all healing ran through re-integrating with nature via herbs, spells, etc…+ “energy work.” i.e. work with chakras.

Furthermore, based on what I’ve read and researched, the European magickal tradition essentially buried much of this (just like various monotheistic religions buried it) in favor of systems that placed heavy emphasis on glorifying a particular deity.
Sound familiar?