How deal with alchohlic? plus my own tips

My elderly father in recent years has turned alcoholic. It wasnt too bad in the beginning then it escalated but even then he was still a loving protective figure in my life.
While on one of his drunken rampages he drove off a leech(mother’s brother who cost us a lot of time opportunity and money) who had been parasiting off of my parents while yelling the names of durga and kali.

I admired him for that, that cussout gave our family a protective stigma in our village, with no family messing with us until our house was rebuilt. Some families even gave us “donations” that helped us out immensely

Now his drunken fangs have sipped some strong hard wine mixed with home plucked horny goat weed (an aphrodisiac).
HIs teeth when not teething on hard wine thirsts for the emotional abuse of my mother and I and threatened violence.

We’ve tried everything I and mom can think off to get him off.

Mix alcohol with vinegar and salt (Worked for a whole year, use the healthy stuff)

Scent his pillow with Chamomile so he falls into sleep faster in the evening when he starts being drunk. (Worked until recently)

Tablets (Didn’t work, doctor is a quack for recommending drugs, actually provoked him)

Keeping him busy with things he used to like or we think he might like and getting him involved a bit more with religion. (Lmao weak results lasting the span of a week)

Lol therapists don’t exist in my country.

Diluting the alcohol with holy water (results weak)

Putting him in a position to only get some of the weaker alcohols or healthier wines.(good ongoing results)

He himself is the breadwinner of the family and the only driver, he can just go buy alcohol by the next door grocery.
So any tips for me?

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Why not see a doctor to get medical help?


Therapists and doctors aren’t an option. Mental health treatment have a stigma in our country and dad wont accept that


Call Opfaal, the Angel of Deliverance, from the grimoire Kingdoms of Flame. He has the power to free the mind from addictions. His seal can be found on this forum.


You can petition a deity like Dionysus for help here maybe to reduce the impact alcohol has on him or to get him to quit. Be specific with your wording as if they take the path of least resistance, it could give him alcohol poisoning so he stops this.

You can call three powerful archangels Raphael, Haniel and Michael

Raphael can guide you to healer(s) and heal energy

Michael to give strength during difficult times

Haniel for breaking habits (this archangel won’t do the job and break it himself but willing to work with this archangel will work definitely)

Good luck!!


King Belial has been known to work wonders with addictions. Just an idea.

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Alcoholics Anonymous. :pray:

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This works, the most effective so far

What if he needs treatment for a skin sore and while he’s there gets Antabuse or similar?

Is cannabis available?
