How can I curse someone with bad luck?

Michael’s a pretty common choice for this sort of thing.

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I don’t know about scripted but definitely directed and instigated. They encourage people to act and say things that they normally wouldn’t. Master manipulators run the show and they are good at bringing out the worst in people. Even the casting is chosen in a way to create conflict.

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Yes, scripted was probably a stretch…but you’re right.

This is it exactly. I worked in television for a bit, and you nailed it. Those people are characters in controlled situations, edited for further effect. There is absolutely nothing real about reality shows.

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There are no reality shows. It is all controlled by the producers and edited for effect.

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Wow… now I think I’ve heard everything. Each to their own. If you want it you want it. No judgement from me. Yeah, I would probably go with Taphthartharath