How can I curse someone with bad luck?

Is it so important? I mean, magic is all about consciousness–your consciousness–and conditions correspond to it. The general guideline is to attach your consciousness to calm/balance or slight positivity and not anger. Remember, the essence of any experience is the feeling, i.e. feeling is the secret, and, in the final analysis, it is only your experience that is affected by your state of mind/feeling.

In any case, nothing “wrong” with trying to kick the ass of a seeming other ( :slight_smile: but it has consequences :slight_smile: ) so you can try working with the Necronomicon Spellbook, the Goetia, the Black Pullet or even some Archangels.

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The majority of the things you see on TV are hyped up to create drama for ratings. The guy just may very well be an asshole, but also keep in mind, he’s probably an asshole because the producers told him to act that way because it brings in more viewers, which boosts ratings.



hey just give them mine…

You do realize its just a show for ratings right, they’re all playing a part to suck you in and make you watch. I would never judge someone from a reality show for there is no reality to be found.

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You are aware that all of that stuff is scripted right!?!?!?!?!?!

Those are characters. Not real life!!!


In this case, I wouldn’t do it but, for the sake of discussing, here is a little bad luck jinx for any potentionally annoying individuals who make life difficult I made a long time ago.

Take a picture of your target and/or their name. Take a shoe lace and slowly wrapping once around it, visualizing it wrapping around their feet like you are trying someone’s shoelaces together, making a knot with every revelation. As you are making the knots say “may you trip up with your endeavors”. As you come to the last bit, make a final knot saying “I bind you with foul luck that trips you during your current pursuit. So it is.” Then bury and forget about it.

Edit: you could keep it in a safe place to release that individual when you please if you wish. It seems to only work for a week or so


Really? I’m pretty sure that it’s not scripted, if it is, then my whole life is a lie. I thought it was a actual reality show. With real people, not actors.

So would this have any repercussions? Like if I were to use it on my love rival, would I get bad luck?

that’s the thing, it’s a reality show, and those are real people, but the majority of those shows, if not all of them are scripted. It’s cheaper and (supposedly) makes for better tv.

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I block his destiny and his path of life simply, I use these precise personal concerns (footprints, socks etc… and at the end of my ritual I throw the remains in a crossroads and I will take the chain and the padlock on which I worked and hang it around a tree, the tree is an element that does not move from its place, you can return several years later, a tree will always be where you left it. which makes the person unable to progress, he wants to progress in his personal and professional life… but very few results. Like the tree, it stands still.
It’s much more complete than just taking that chance from him.


Can you pm me explaining more in detail, and the steps to do what you described.

you give some details yes, to guide you without revealing too much how I do it and you let the possibility to do it in your own way and with the right spirits.

I am confused, maybe that why they call you mystic, should I try to make my own curse/ritual?

I haven’t had any personally.

During all my practice I have never used a ritual that you find in a book or that you teach me, I have always taken something trick interesting and created something personal, because it is more magic, creativity is very important.


You know I’m not a very cultivated person, I have very little theory, but I have a lot of practice and in 1 year of experience, I can get what some people have 10 years in magic, simply because I like what I do and I’m 100% committed. I am not afraid to take risks, every experience, however hard and dangerous it may be, only reinforces me, I am not afraid to lose my comfort, whether it is financial, sentimental, physical, psychological, etc… and that is what will make me a dangerous fucking wizard, I have only very little attachment, so very few flaws. If people complain about having experienced difficult things, I have lived my whole life much worse than they have without complaining and always being combative. That’s why I look archaic and hard and that’s why I’ve always smashed powerful wizards.


Would you please share which archangel. Thanks.

Michael’s a pretty common choice for this sort of thing.

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I don’t know about scripted but definitely directed and instigated. They encourage people to act and say things that they normally wouldn’t. Master manipulators run the show and they are good at bringing out the worst in people. Even the casting is chosen in a way to create conflict.

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Yes, scripted was probably a stretch…but you’re right.