Hi! New here

Hi! I just joined here and wanted to say hello! I really look forward to reading posts, watching videos and learning as much as I can as I start this journey! I am a complete beginner! I hope I am posting this in the right place!!! Yes! I’m that new! Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: :slight_smile:


Welcome @Nicola Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

What areas of magick are you interested in learning about?



I am from the UK originally, and now I live in NC I am a single mom to 3 amazing boys! I am an extrovert with my work but an introvert at home! I can be the life of a party or quiet as a mouse. I am coming out of a disastrous 2 years. The past two years of my life have tested me in ways I never knew possible.

I really don’t know which areas I’m most interested in. I would love to learn to evoke spirits for knowledge! To find myself ahead of the game. I don’t mind hard work and determination. I would love to learn more about spell work too!

Of course, after the last two years, I seek some form of “return to sender” work as negative energy was thrown at me from every direction. And it was extremely unwarranted and damaging. And I truly discovered I trusted no one.

So to have some contacts, make new friendships, have a place to ask questions and to learn as much as I can. I found myself drawn down many roads that led me to this forum. And I really do look forward to having conversations and connections :slight_smile:

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Hello :wave:
Welcome to the forum :smiley:

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Hi!!! :wave:t2:. Thank you :blush:

I commend you for raising those kids on your own. I hope you find the edge that you came here for in magick.

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Thank you so much! I’m so very fascinated by all of this. I’m very fortunate to have these healthy boys to keep my spirits up! (No pun intended) they are my world!

This new endeavor is for me, my personal journey, as they are getting older and I just want to seek different avenues. This really called out to me :revolving_hearts:

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Did I post this “ about me” in the right section @DarkestKnight :joy:. I just went and scrolled through over 3,000 posts of introductions and thought “shit!!! Did I not post in the right place”?! :sob::face_with_peeking_eye:

I did just join the “course for black marick- the left hand path” I haven’t been able to start the videos yet - I will tomorrow.

I was stuck between this course and the next one.
“Mastering evocation and possession) I really didn’t know the big difference between the two. As you can already tell - complete beginner here. So I opted for this course and looking forward to delving into the content.

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Yes, you’re fine. New members have a choice to either post their intro in the mega thread, or do an individual intro like this. :slight_smile:

The main difference is that the black magick course is specifically for black magick, and provides a pathworking for calling darker entities, while the evocation course covers the basics of the art of evocation, and does not deal specifically with dark beings.


Ok! Thank you for clarification! I swear I think I read the description of each 5 times … damn, I either know right away what I want and don’t hesitate or struggle with decisions.

Welcome Nicola :metal:t2:. This forum is an amazing tool of a lot of very knowledgeable folks. I’ve enjoyed it very much. Welcome


It seems like a great place with good people who are willing to help! I do promise to try using the search tool more for answers to my questions! I’m still very new to the terminology so it makes it a little hard at times! :sweat_smile:

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Hi Nicola, welcome.
I’ve noted from here and other posts that you’ve made that you are very curious and engaged in this whole sphere. This is a good thing.

I hear ya on this sista. Been there and got the T shirt (forgive the figure of speech).I fully support reciprocal action in such circumstances.

My feeling is that there may be a particular aspect of the magickal sphere of work that you be unaware of but which you may find very helpful: Servitors.

Its completely up to you of course, but if you look into the subject, I feel that you may find it of benefit.

I’m going to drop a link here to Keteriya’s servitor construction tutorial:

Servitor Creation Tutorial-How I dos it, in Ten Easy Steps - Spirits, Evocation & Possession - Become A Living God

If you find this concept to your appeal I am happy to point you to additional reading on this subject.

I would also suggest to any new person that learning some basic energy work would be to your benefit. There is a huge amount of information on this subject on this forum, but if you want to explore this area and want a beginner friendly intro, I would suggest the book “Energy work” by Robert Bruce.

Sorry if I’m de-railing a bit, this is just some info that I felt may help you on your new path


Thank you! I will take a look and read about this! :slight_smile:


Excellent. If this aspect interests you, I would recommend a few books. These are all very beginner friendly and in my view very solid pieces on the subject of servitors. All are available on Kindle at very reasonable prices.
-Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand
-Create a Servitor by John Kreiter
-Walking with Magickal Entities by Taylor Ellwood


Thank you! I will definitely have to order those ones! Sounds interesting and useful!