More than welcome! It’s the same handle as here!
They’re great! Me too
That’s on the cards once I actually finish a painting
Thank you! I will when they’re done it’s my mission now
They’re amazing. I’d love to see musicians and artists collab some day on here!
That would be AMAZING! I’d be so down for that 100%
And thank you
YO, u did fucking amazing! Also I just looked up that band! I’ve never heard of them i got to check them out they sound BADASS!!!
List of my fav bands Slipknot, Korn, Code Orange, Gideon, All Shall Perish, Heaven Shall Burn, I’ll Nino, Deftones, Chelsea grin, Phinehas, As I Lay Dying, Miss May I, Of Mice And Men, Slayer
Strapping young lad are fucking AWESOME! Devin Townsend is such an amazing musician! Gene Hoglan is a WIZARD drummer. Definitely check them out! They’re heavy and funny all in one.
Those are some goodins! Korn was my teen angst in a nutshell slipknot, deftones, SLAYER! a few I haven’t heard there so I’ll check them out!
Im definitely a mood music person but metal wise I love Tool, gojira, testament, megadeth, Metallica (from the 80s ), alien weaponry lol heaps more (I’ll be here all day). Industrial stuff - NIN, ministry. More alternative progrsssive stuff - A perfect circle, porcupine tree, DTP. Punk/hardcore stuff - cromags, black flack, Henry Rollins band.
Old school hip hop - tribe called quest, snoop, Jedi mind tricks, necro
So much and more
Sorry, you may not have asked for a list - but here one is
Oh man I love 80s and 90s hip hop my fav are : A tribe Called Quest, Lord’s Of The Underground, Wu Tang clan, Mobb Deep, Naughty By Nature, ONYX, Snoop dogg, Method Man, Ol dirty bastard. I definitely gotta check out your list there’s definitely some I’ve never heard of!
…BY the way. Was listening to some of strapping young lad and YES! I think I found my new fav band!FUCK YEAH!!!
Amazing! All great artists that’s so good! I’ll chuck a couple of my fav songs here but definitely listen to like every album
And this is one of his solo tracks that cranks
New music fucking rocks
Nniiicccee! Well u have a good day sister! …and YES.
Hail Satan!
hollyy crap! I love heavy metal too. I am from Brazil. I´ve already met Marty friedman in here lol! that´s fucknn awesome He´s very humble ! Unfortunelly we lost Ronnie james Dio and Lemmy
Well I used to listen to Hard Rock, A.O.R, Thrash Metal and a bunch of other bands sort of
Iron maide, Metal Church, Judas Priest, W.A.S.P, Running Wild… and others
I born in 82! Love the 80´s
Uh U know… EXODUS! In Sao Paulo city . We had a spot there. Kinda an underground club house. Most bands used to play there
Exodus performed a concert there. Tom hunting he was watching a show from DIO on TV beside me