Help with Addiction & Self-Destruction

To cut a long story shore, I have a friend of a friend, let’s call her Lexi, who is in some very deep trouble and in desperate need of help. She was raped some months ago and it has fucked with her mind. She has had self-destructive tendencies her whole life, as well as severe anxiety and major depression, and has always sought out help and support before, but this time is different. She is withdrawn and going down a very dark path.

Lexi has had problems with addiction before, and recovered, but being sexually assaulted prompted her back into using. She’s also hanging out with the worst lowlifes you can imagine. And now, as if it wasn’t bad enough, she was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (i.e. pre-acute myeloid leukaemia) just a few weeks ago. She is taking her anticancer medication and only using pot (for fear that her anticancer medication will interact), at least for now, but she’s still self-destructing by having sex with sketchy strangers and burning through all of her money at lightning speed.

Right now, she’s refusing to get help. So, what we’re looking at is a working to push her towards admitting she has a problem and going to a psychiatrist. I’m going to try several workings under different occult systems, but many of you are more experienced than I am, obviously. Would any of you be willing to help get Lexi to seek treatment or otherwise get better?


I’m currently practicing some healing techniques I don’t know how much I will be able to do but pm me and I’ll give it a shot


I PMd you.

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I would love to help her!
She reminds me of me when I had my diagnosis. Thinking I was going to die, so I started to live like I was already dead. Not giving a shit about my body or spirit.
I had someone pull me out of that mental trap, so I applaud you for stepping up for her.
PM me the details


As she takes pot I suggest you to get her to participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony at a proper place, with some genuine shaman. The experience will be intense and push her into living life taking good care of herself. Ayahuasca is best at dealing with traumatic events. If you tell her that the ceremony will help her she will not participate, instead you and other friends can join her as a fun experience.

She is deeply hurt and filled with rage against her life, and her circumstances.

Also give us updates on how she is doing? Thanks.


Do you think ayahascua would be good for someone who has leukemia? OP stated that she doesn’t want anything to counteract with her treatment.

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I have seen documentaries on Ayahuasca with cases of people coming to terms with bad sexual abuse from childhood. I haven’t seen or read cases on cancer but a quick search online showed up some results. And I suggested Ayahuasca to help this girl overcoming the pain of rape and helplessness of life.

Dr. Gabor Maté from Canada is an advocate of working with Ayahuasca for healing addictions. Addiction is a way to numb the pain from a trauma.

From my personal experience I can say Ayahuasca is like a super cool but bad ass mom!


The first thing I thought of when I heard their story too is maybe they should see a Shaman. Which is odd, because I dont know much about Shamanism altogether. Though that was the first thought that popped into my head. I would second this advice.


I only suggested because she takes pot and may be nudged into participating in a ceremony under the pretext of having fun.

xD That is a valid reason. I wasnt going to post my thoughts on the subject because I dont know enough to add to the situation/discussion, but then I read your suggestion and was like ‘hey I thought that too’ albeit for different reasons.

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Call upon Opfaal, the Angel of Deliverance from Kingdoms of Flame. He has the power to free the mind from addictions, and many here have had great success with him. His sigil can be found with a quick search.


Lexi has been doing a lot better - thanks to everyone that helped a while back. She’s been to rehab and got off drugs for a while. However, she’s recently suddenly become very distant and won’t let anyone in to help her, which is pretty concerning. At this point, we (her friends) just want to get an idea of what’s going through her mind and how best to help her keep recovering.

Would anyone here be willing to do any kind of reading for her to help us get some insight on where she’s at, both mentally and spiritually? Also, if having a photo would help, please PM me and I’ll send one to you. Any help is hugely appreciated.

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I wouldn’t advise that anyone try Ayahuasca cause everyone has different reactions and it’s up to them to decide. I just want to warn you, it’s a very intense experience and your friend should be taken care of by people who know what they’re doing. Find her a proper retreat and make sure she doesn’t feel obligated to participate in the ritual. Maybe just having a rest here would be enough for her. Anyway, from my part, I can recommend this peruvian ayahuasca ceremony and this retreat I once visited. People there are reliable and reviews on it are positive.

Not with cancer.

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Welcome @Rosey_Shere. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

I feel like people in this community speak of ayahuasca as if you can buy it at the local grocery store where upon a shaman will take your arm and walk you home. How do you guys come across these situations? I live in Huntsville, Alabama and it’s hard to even find good pot here.