Help for up coming fight

Is there any spirit that can help you zone in to your fighting or even to get the fight in my favor or even inner workings like chi i know that monks use chi to fight and focus just wanted to see what you guys know about it

This might help:


Any spirit corresponding to Mars, so- Tyr (only if you’re in the right), Thor, Ares, Nergal, Belial, Azazel (though those last two aren’t exclusively Martian per se), Odin (not Martian but still applicable imo), Basically any god of war or battle.


Oooh I might bookmark him! I’m wanting to lose weight and get fit!


OMG that would be Azazel he’s absolutely the real deal. Another good bet would be Marquis Leraje. He’s also a real badass. Hope that helps.


It does thanks!!

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I once invoked Rudra during a Karate class. Good results.

Ares, Athena, Bellona / Enyo, majority of Norse Gods (Surtur warns me about sloppy form). Any spirit with Martian / Mercurial traits tbh.

How did the fight go?
Im looking into this and Great Marquis Marchosias has come to me as the best name for this.

@JoseRX95 OP hasn’t been on here in two years, you will likely not receive an answer. Since everybody else from this three year old threads discussion is inactive as well I will close it :slight_smile:

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