Help destroying an enemy that acts as a friend

My theory is if you got a tank, why use a .22 pistol? Just go medieval on their ass. Thinking about using the incantation to rouse vengeful spirits of destruction on him too just for good measure. What do you think? Never piss someone off who likes the character “Keyser Soze” in the movie “The Usual Suspects”. I think that guy has balls.

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Summon goddesses of death. Ereshkigal, Kali, etc. Reason I say this is they would consider the woman’s side.

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Surprise, surprise, relationship drama really IS all the same.

Get rid of all of them, curse, bind whatever, OR…
if you really want to be cruel, hit her with a love spell, then reject her, and bind. so long as her life no longer means anything to you.

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Depending on whether or not you have a spiritual hookup, and money for supplies, preferably if you have an item that the target owns, talk to spirits that would help, and use sympathetic magic.

Oh I have been through enough because of her. Thing is I know when he breaks her heart she will get in touch with me.

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Has anyone downloaded the Evoking Nightmares PDF from the new book Heathen by Asbjorn Torvol ?? Oh my I am saying… there are a few in there that I am salivating over doing… @Shadowmage @Fuego1


@damia2hell Where do you get that from? Do you have a link?

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Just like my ex, just watch that she’s not trying to goad you into a fight with the guy.


I already did Vovins freezer spell on him a few days ago. They had an argument yesterday.

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One word of warning … Are all the facts known?

Which facts? They made up today :anguished:

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I cant send it to you go to the You tube video and request the free chapter

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Are they a user of magic? Are they highly intuitive or intelligent? Who do they know? What do they know? Is the story factual or revenge inspired by a third party? Jus saying.

No magic I know of, she’s a xtian (does bible study), him I dunno. This is me this happened to. I know exactly what they did. Not particularly intelligent.

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Game on then it appears. Keep a defense up in case of a boomerang effect.


What’s a good boomerang defense?

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Return to Sender. A common defense spell.
Finding a forked stick with a long span between the forked branches can be used as a tool for protection as well I would think. You’d have to enchant and consecrate it.


@shadowmage and @Fuego1 get a stick candle cut the the top off and bit with anger the butt of it making it he top half - with vermon of hate make what ever sigils you need on the candle I personally write the POS’s name back wards and however times i feel necessary I place it on a mirror and use my black salt cascarilla powder mixture - and make a circle around the candle and mirror- so that they cannot bounce back. I may even add poppy seeds and chili pepper mixture to the outside of the candle after I have lubed the candle with return to sender oil or whatever I fell like using. cursing at the POS’s. Candle magic is playful but I personally love the fact that I get to push my Venom back into something… What feels right- is whats going to work. I have in the past called on Dantalion to fuck with their mind and Baal to create a storm of suffering.



It pretty much looks like you’ve got all the help you could possibly need from my dark brothers and sisters here. I wish i would be more experienced to help you but the demons help you through people that know their crafts.
As for the part where you saw flames underneath your skin is truly awesome!

I had quite a long chat with @AlphaC about using an Axa Oddra to perform a death curse on somebody else and lets just say that last night i had this weird and twisted dream about the specific target of AlphaC being turned completely insane by Axa Oddra and seeming as if the target was having horrible hallucinations or visits from this specific demon until it was running desperately to escape from Her directly into a brutal and horrible death… And the curse did not end there as it seems like Axa Oddra likes to hunt the soul of the victim as well. So yeah! I’m actually impressed myself and thinking of using Her more often than not to destroy the enemies that destroyed my family…
Axa Oddra is a female demon by the way and she seems to enjoy torturing people that cause any suffering without a reasonable motive from the demonic point of view. ESPECIALLY if they are followers of the Troll God!