Hello i got this succubus in my life

@Sheogorath er det en butik eller en eksorcist? Der ham der hedder Lars messersmidt han skulle være eksorcist

“Is there a store or an exosist? There is a man named Lars Messersmidt he should apparently be one”

I’m not aware of him. Never have encountered that name before, so I can’t say what he is made of.

P.S: Since this is an English forum, people will appreciate that you write in English. After all, they wanna be aware of the situation😉

Now ofcourse you may always use your native language when PMing to others members who speak said language.

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It could also be a disincarnate spirit, which tend to be stubborn.

Yeah srry didnt Know how pm :slight_smile: what is it you Know in Copenhagen then?

If you do salt corners of the house, make sure to leave them a way out. Or they get pissed off. True story.

In all doorframe or what? Then open a Window and then start cleansing :slight_smile:

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Leave The door open. They typically don’t enjoy being confined.

Since I live an hour away from Copenhagen and that the public transportation ain’t cheap. I don’t travel there a lot. But since it’s the capital of Denmark, you are bound to find something there. All sorts of people live there and who can forget about Christiania.

So since I don’t have any occult stores in my vicinity I have to just improvise. Candles is ofcourse easy to find anywhere and is a VEEEEEERRY convenient tool.

Hello guys and girls i being trying to ignore this spirit to see if it Will go away but can still feel it when i try to sleep but i cant sleep knowing this Spirit is here so im gonna go cleansing with salt water and Maybe some sage at some point i just wanted to update u all as i promise. Havent being avileble to cleans the whole week cuz there being alot sickness in my family the last couple weeks

I would prefer that you befriend it before asking it to leave, since it never inflicted you any harm or used foul play. Why make an enemy out of nothing than a mere presence?

Salt is, often, used as a precautionary ingredient before doing something else magically, or to keep spirits from entering a room or a house. It’s allready in there, so what usage have salt right now?

Have you heard of the fairytail Little Red Rided Hood? There’s a few similarities to your experience and that folktale, but something is missing: There’s no Big Bad Wolf trying to eat you.

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@succupedia yeah okay i’m not sure how to communicate with this ghost and so im starting to get tried to have this thing in my life. Because im getting zero sleep at night and then it feels The badness runs down the wall at home…
And I was told it chould be many other kind of spirit so it not for sure a succubus???

Have you tried the advise of using automatic writing, yet?

Sure, it can be pretty much anything or anyone. It doesn’t have the usual Succubus™️ behavior. It’s not about the personality, but the approach and how they build up the sexual arousal. The energy pattern is also different from other spirits. Other spirits knows sex, too, but these kind of spirits breathes it, and lives it, and it’s just as normal for them as we inhale oxygen to our lungs.


@succupedia Nope not yet kinda scared to do it

Alright i tryed automatik writing no sucess there not even a little bit tryed salt water to and nothing happen… i dont know what to do to get rid of this spirit annnnd i really want it gone cuz cant sleep at night and im gonna start working on monday aand i will love if chould find peace at evening to sleep. Next step is im gonna ignore this spirit for good this time and get some sage after next week… srry for my bad understanding my life a mess with this thing here :sleepy: :persevere: :disappointed_relieved: