Guide to the Words of Power from NAP and GOM Books

These are the Words of Power and their phonetic spellings found in the New Avatar Power (NAP) and Gallery of Magick (GOM, Damon Brand) books:

Adonai Ha’aretz = AH-DOE-NIGH-HAH-AH-RETZ
Shaddai El Chai = SHAD-EYE-ELK-EYE
Eheieh/Ehyeh = EH-HEH-YEAH
Jehovah-Elohim = YEAH-HO-VO-ELL-OH-HEEM
Jehovah Eloah Va Daath = YEAH-HO-VO-ELL-OH-AH-VAY-DAH-AT

If you’re reading these from the Middle Pillar ritual, then it goes as follows:

Eheieh/Ehyeh or “I am” is the name of God in the sephirah of Kether.
Jehovah-Elohim or “The Lord God” is the name of God in the sephirah of Daath.
Jehovah Eloah Va Daath or “Lord of Knowledge” is the name of God in the sephirah of Tiphereth.
Shaddai El Chai or “Almighty God Lives” is the name of God in the sephirah of Yesod.
Adonai Ha’Aretz or “Lord of the Earth” is the name of God in the sephirah of Malkuth.

Since these “names for God in Hebrew” are a major part of the rituals found in the GOM books, I have come up with the following “skeleton” ritual:


(Spirit), (Spirit), (Spirit). In the name of EH-HEH-YEAH, YEAH-HO-VO-ELL-OH-HEEM and YEAH-HO-VO-ELL-OH-AH-VAY-DAH-AT I call on (Spirit), I command thee to shape the past and the future to (state the request/intent).

I command thee to (state the request/intent) in the names of SHAD-EYE-ELK-EYE, AH-DOE-NIGH-HAH-AH-RETZ. Go now, and be ready to come when I call you. Go peaceably without causing harm to me or my loved ones. Go!"

You say the name of the spirit three times in the first part. (i.e. Nitika. Nitika. Nitika.) Magick is independent of time and space, so it works in the past and the future. There is only Now.

The last part is to state the request/intent then give the license to depart.

I hope this info is useful. The above can be modified for LHP purposes. If you have such a version, can you share it with me?


Would reverse the names of God work better

The GoM update:


(Spirit), (Spirit), (Spirit). In the name of EH-HEH-YEAH, EE-AH-OH-EH ELL-OH-HEEM and EE-AH-OH-EH ELL-OH-AH-VAH-DAH-ART I call on (Spirit), I command thee to shape the past and the future to (state the request/intent).

I command thee to (state the request/intent) in the names of SHAD-EYE-ELK-EYE and AH-DOE-NIGH-HAH-AH-RETZ. Go now, and be ready to come when I call you. Go in peace, and cause no harm to me or my loved ones. Go!"


How have this modification work compare to the actual one from the GOM cash Book?

So instead of saying I command you to bring me (Wealth) you would state the Request and intent
By words or you would flip the page and write the amount $ and put it in the circle :o:?

An Example for calling Gremory:


Gremory, Gremory, Gremory. In the name of EH-HEH-YEAH, EE-AH-OH-EH ELL-OH-HEEM and EE-AH-OH-EH ELL-OH-AH-VAH-DAH-ART I call on Gremory, I command thee to shape the past and the future to bring me sexual pleasure from a young woman.

I command thee to bring me sexual pleasure from a young woman in the names of SHAD-EYE-ELK-EYE and AH-DOE-NIGH-HAH-AH-RETZ. Go now, and be ready to come when I call you. Go in peace, and cause no harm to me or my loved ones. Go!"

The above is only a guide. To be more in harmony with the idea of asserting our own omnipotence and authority without the use of “god names”:

Gremory, Gremory, Gremory. By the power of IAO (EE-AH-OH) I call on thee Gremory, to shape the past and the future to bring me sexual pleasure from a young woman.

Do this, and I promise to spread your name, give testimony and give my gratitude.

Oh, spirit Gremory, I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly go in peace, and cause no harm to me or my loved ones. Alash Tad Al-ash Tal Ashtu"

This would be more appropriate to some depending on your LHP or RHP path, paradigm, grimoire, system/culture etc. Use as a template and adjust it to whatever ritual you do.


Old thread, but this works.

I have been experimenting with this and the geniuses of the 12 hours - this is crazy effective, you’ll hit the energies quickly with these invocations.

Thanks for sharing!!!

That’s from the magickal cashbook by damon brand. He’s using the cashbook ritual formula replacing nitika spirit and request to be other things instead of money. of course the ritual require you look at nitika sigil so if your using other demons/spirits you would have to look at their sigil for better results. It’s more of a petition prayer than invoke/evoke.


Old thread but I’m interested on how you used these invocations and the process
Did you say the incantation out loud or did you use the cashbook method?

Thanks for sharing, do you need a sigil for that?

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Can we call the spirit Nitika in the LHP incantation you had posted instead of Gremory?