Greetings Everyone

Hi I’m David from South Africa. I created my account a while back but, wanted to introduce myself when i could my hands on some books first. I have not done any magickal work myself but, went to a spiritual healer a year ago for issues with severe badluck and disturbing dreams. Needless to say I lost a lot of money before realizing she is scamming me for all I’m worth and things just became more detrimental for my mental and physical well-being. My interest in the occult was piqued until I came across this website. I am interested in self protection magick and wealth creation. The books if acquired are 'the practical psychic self defence Handbook by Robert Bruce, magickal protection by Damon Brand and lastly Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield. I’ve only started reading Robert Bruce and Damon Brand books an I’m still very new to all of this.

I will be more active in this group as time goes because I know I will need help… A lot.

I’m so happy to join this community!


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I hope you will find everything you need on here to start your own practical approaches :slight_smile: We have some beginner friendly and tool-free (comes in handy when you’re not living alone or if you are in a more conservative environment) tutorials going on in this collection:

Happy browsing, glad to have you here :slight_smile: