Goetic Evocation

Did you mean to reply to me?

I really hope you didn’t. You have no idea what my experience is aside from maybe what I post. I can’t believe you’re telling me I’m confusing “imagination” with “scrying” and “evocation.” Maybe realize not all of us post everything we’ve ever done before replying like this to me.

I advised OP not to call a spirit they’re afraid of. No where did I say anything about my own emotions regarding magick of any kind.

“Meet” is a relative term. All you’re doing is raising yourself on a pedestal and being willfully ignorant of the fact that there are a great many people you’ve not met. Also, your sample size (the people you know) is why too small for this to have any logical connection to how many magicians there are that are capable of what you’re talking about.


Is there any potentiality that a spirit knows everything that your afraid and he will test if your courageous enough ?

Plus I want to clarify how many Goetic spirit you already evoke with and what extent you have sense his presence how did they approach you ?

Yes. Maybe people have stories about being “tested.” Or intimidated by spirits.

If I answered your next question, we’d be here for days. If you’re interested in my experience, click my avatar and you’ll see what I’ve posted to balg. Spirits come in different ways. Either do the ritual, or choose not to. But my experience isn’t going to make the choice for you. Just because one person has a good or bad time doesn’t mean everyone else will have the same experience

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Meow, no. I was replying to Veritas03. I wasn’t referring to you at all.

I have no idea where you’re getting offended when, as I said, my reply wasn’t even directed at you. To attack me by saying I’m “willfully ignorant” when I’m merely sharing my experience with others here is rude and unnecessary.

You might want to check the thread in the future to figure out if you’re even being addressed before going off on a triggered tirade.

I got a notification you replied to me. Whether you meant to reply to me or not, you clicked the button.

You told me in the last comment you did not. How do you expect that to influence a message I wrote in the past?

I stand by what I wrote. I believe it’s willfully ignorant to say that your experiences are the norm without considering those of others.

On the subject of evocations, people do things different ways. I think you place yourself on a pedestal saying your way is the way of those with real evocation experiences that aren’t only “imagination.”

Edit: added quote.

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Nowhere did I say my “experiences are the norm.” Sounds like you’re talking about someone else (and some other thread) entirely.

Placing myself on a pedestal. Interesting interpretation.

So, your measuring rule for how skilled and knowledgeable they might prove to be is based on age or number of years practicing liturgical forms of evocation?

Hi Xin,
A magick circle is not necessary. We the members of the’Temple of Ascending Flame’ do not use it. That working with Goetic spirits is destructive or dangerous is a prejustice which comes from Christian and Jewish traditions. Working with these spirits can give you a lot of power and magickal abilities. And that is what Christianity and Jewish religion are afraid of. When you have mackal power yourself, you do not need a priest or rabbi anymore.
All the best for your evocations.Hail to Lilith and Blessed Be!


Thanks for giving me just a greater dose of bravery is there any particular rites that could perform to remove fear ?

Do spirits know what your thinking whenever you evoke their presence?

Hello to everyone, I don’t know weather this is the right place to seek for this advice. But can someone help and give me a feedback? What happenes when you draw sigils and after using for a particular evocation you leave them on your alter. Is there any repercussions or conflict if energies? Thank you.

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