Getting to Know Pazuzu

I have been searching for… I don’t know how long, to finally talk to people that have experiences with Pazuzu. There are familiar stuff on here that I have experience that can be considered common with him, like the Watchers, which are Pazuzu’s lessor, kind of benign spirits that watch you especially when Pazuzu is away. And Pazuzu likes to effect you in dreams…I’m not sure of anyone else is effected by Pazuzu making me feel hot or cold areas especially around chest, back and shoulders…

Welcome @Simone_Kristone. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum.

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Another curosity seeker, what a surprise. Just wondering if the demon in the Exocirst could be real? The deity is not an actual demon but an Iraqi fertility god that was demonized by the Islamic faith.

If you actually have an interest in magic you will have to comply with BALG rules and formally introduce yourself or if what i suspect is correct you could actually just employ the search engine and come up with an answer without actually creating an account.

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I was trying to do the intro…I think I just have bad internet connection here at times… But no. The Exorcist is not real. For one thing, they have the statue wrong. Plus other things in it that are just hype… Pazuzu’s voice is what they got right though and he has amber eyes…etc. I do know a lot about him and I have communicated with him. He is the King of demons, so that makes him one, doesn’t it?

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