Flashy powers

Have you ever experienced siddhis like abilities including telekinsis, levitation, invisibility etc?


Yes, and I’ve also seen others experience them.


did they really happened or a just a feeling ?

Yes. Very real, tangible results. On different levels at different times.

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Many have seen this from me in video and some have seen it in person, plenty people on this forum actually. Also I have seen many on this forum perform these activities and we actually have a Telepathy thread here----> Telepathy techniques - #71 by kiss-lamia-lilith

I could tell you actually who on this forum can do what, like who can do telekinesis, electrokenisis, telepathy, precognition, etc. But I will let them speak for themselves.


Big fan of the Grimoire of Tiamat by the way what’s the score on buying an autographed copy? Can we do that?


I’m talking about real, tangible experience.

Regarding the autographed copies, I rarely sell books myself, and unfortunately Grimoire of Tiamat is one of those books that I don’t have for sale. I could offer a different title with an autograph, though. If you’re interested, please contact me through my Facebook page: Redirecting...


i thought that it was kind of a unwritten rule to not do stuff like that because we don’t want the world to get scared and trigger another salaam witch trails? am i wrong?

Iam of the view learned sourerceses like Asenath Mason educate the populas in a well founded tested practiced left-hand tech and channels that keeps everything more balanced and safe.

It’s people that go into things half arse and can do damage opening things not meant opened that’s my view point.