Financial Freedom

I dont understand the relevance of this. They are regular people except they have money and dont have to worry about financial matters. Ive talked to many witches and so forth who try to preach how money isnt happiness and so on and so forth. Im just not looking for that speech

You’re really good at totally missing the point and jumping in with preconceptions.

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I see a regular person who has money that doesnt have to worry financially. I answered your question. I dont know what you are expecting me to say

I wasn;t expecting you to say anything, that’s why I repeated the querstion.

If I knew what you were going to say, I wouldn’t have wasted my time asking. :man_shrugging:

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Can I ask whats the reason behind this question? I get asked this all the time from witches and so forth and they always try to drop a speech on me on how money isnt everything, im not being rude, I just dont need that

2 posts were split to a new topic: Help With Belial (Russian)

Now, you see that’s not the reason of the question and I don’t think it was when @Mapachtli asked it either.

But you had that idea and went and replied to it.

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I just dont understand why it was asked. Do you mind telling me why you asked that or why you think he asked

Well. No shit. A fucking psychic. Tell you what; you are trying to grow wealth? I will wire you US $10,000 to tell me all about me. I mean, you must be psychic, because I do not believe we have met. I know that goofy bitch Miss Cleo was a fraud, but I have confidence in you.

With that cash you could start a DRIP, a PM portfolio, speculate in penny stocks, or shove it directly up your ass. You choose your investment fantasy!

Good night and good luck to you.


Forgive me, but I did not write to you to help me with money, for me it is to create difficulties for somebody, and on the contrary, to think that you are a charlatan, forgive, this Russia has spoiled people so much that there is fraud around. Thank you

ok man, look its not that serious. I apologize if I came off rude

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The whole point in asking the question is it gives insight into your consious and unconscious programming regarding wealth. While you may have a personal idea of what wealth is this will not help you if for example you consider those with money to be “evilllll” in any way. Then your subconsious mind will do all in its power to keep you from it so you are not “EVILLLLLL” yourself.

The very avoidance of answering the question shows its own insights but different people will draw different conclusions.


Pretty much, it seems like the OP isn’t interested in learning. He makes it seem like he is already knowledgeable in the matter.

So no big deal, I’m not interested in trying to help him anymore. I would rather find out if he has any success with whatever he is going to do so I can adopt the practice and improve myself.

Although, I think his practice of burning bridges with other members especially when he is still new is something I won’t adopt myself.

Best of luck and endless riches to the OP.
That is not sarcasm either I am quite serious.


Same, I clicked the topic back to no notifications unless @'d. :man_shrugging:


Yeah don’t get into arguments about this on a forum. It’s a complete waste of time. You’re better off with what I told you. What they are saying is right tho. So you should get the book 7 occult rituals by Henry archer. He has rituals that will completely destroy all limitations you have that’s stop you from getting rich. You should also read the book think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill. You already have what you need. You should be pursuing wealth and wasting time arguing about how to get rich.

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It’s very simple rituals can be done within the month.

Demons of magick by Gordon winter field has all 72 demons of magick ( belial, astaroth, bime) and all the other ones. It’s very easy rituals to do without using any equipment, or moon phases etc. I treasure this book a lot since oven gotten extraordinary results. Including bime/bune

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The only thing I did on here that wasnt liked was not answer a question that I felt wasnt relevant. I apologized to the guy since it seems to be such a big deal to everyone. And I answered the question

I dont consider money evil. I dont consider rich people evil. It’s all individual. I mean, if I thought rich was evil why would I ask to obtain it? I’ve had witches try analyze me when I mention money to only tell me how I dont need it and so forth. I thought that was the direction he was going. Wasn’t trying to be combative

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Well I apologize if I annoyed you