Family law court case

I am in a situation in which my abusive ex (whom I hadn’t heard from in 7 years) found out I am in the US again with my kids and dragged me to court with less than 24h notice last fall.

I ended up with a baby lawyer who really wasn’t doing what she needed to do and so the Judge didn’t see the history of abuse.

He’s ordered some visits with the kids (who don’t want anything to do with him).

We had our final ‘hearing’ in Feb - the judge decided we don’t need to have a full hearing and so my 4 witnesses were not given a chance to speak.
I was granted full legal & physical custody but
the drafted order stated joint legal.
There were several points in the wording that also didn’t reflect what we thought the judge ruled.

Phone hearing was scheduled for today and in the meantime did some banishing spells and a freezer spell for him, and a Honey jar for myself.

Today at the phone conference the judge initially granted sole legal and physical custody but by the end of the call “changed his mind”. He sided with me but the ruling didn’t reflect that.
He did basically say he’s giving my ex a chance to prove himself (although he doesn’t have much faith he will pull it off) and if he messes up over this next year I will get sole custody again.

My question is …. My ex has a pattern of sending desperate messages and basically outing himself- which at this point would violate the order.

Should I undo the freezer spell (initially set with the intention of freezing him out of our lives)?
Since there are now set visitation orders he may not be going anywhere (unless something happens)… At this point the more he talks, the more chance he has of violating the orders and the court ruling in my favour.

Thoughts, ideas?

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Belial is one for that.

Call Belial! He can help you with law cases.

Write a petition to your chosen spirit (I would recommend petitioning Buer or Belial) and burn a blue candle on top. Blue is good for court cases. Be clear about the outcome you desire, and don’t overthink it. Don’t undo any protective magic you’ve already done.