
Hello! The first thing, sorry for my English, it is very difficult for me to write in English and in parts it is done with the translator. The second thing is that I recently started this whole occult thing and I had a somewhat curious experience and I would like to tell it.

It all started one day when I was meditating and I started to hear a term that was like “Eyes of the shadows” and well the truth is I found it curious, but I let the days go by and again in a meditation I heard “Eyes of the shadows” and I started to see this symbol, and the truth is at that moment I thought “Nah, it’s my head, I passed” the days went by and in a meditation I saw like Baphomet “holding that symbol” and saying “Learn” all the time there I I woke up, strange, well, at that moment I said “let’s see if it’s important” and I started to investigate a little, and it seemed that the separate symbols that are two crescents and a 4-pointed star, and that the two crescents It just has the image of Baphomet and the truth is that I was impressed there, but well, I continued but I saw that I was not making progress in searching for the meaning of the symbol and I let it be, until a couple of weeks ago when I said “It’s funny but I can make 3 circles counting on the middle point as one of them” and I began to think okay, let’s see a couple of correspondences of these 3 circles, which were type “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” that I would then pass this on to the infernal trinity that I put in “Satan, Antichrist, and False Prophet” and at that moment I thought “Okay, I’m going to spend it now in the area of the qlifot to see what comes out” and it was like following a sequence, until some “Phrases” came out that would mean this , the point would be this “The soul is a struggle of opposing forces” the middle one would be “But it ends in unlimited knowledge” and the outer one would be “Ending in an unstoppable force” so when it ended at that moment it was like extreme fatigue and I let it go until today, when I started doing this thing of staring at the symbol and concentrating on it. I did it and my space started to darken and it felt really strange, I can’t describe it…

Welcome @eramund_qwe It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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Just to let you know, it’s our custom to place sigils from new members under a blur spoiler to allow members time to choose if they wish to access it’s energy. People can see it if they click it.

Trinities are very common in many philosophies and religions. Mind Body Spirit. Land Sea Air, Maiden Mother Crone, Earth Sun Moon, are others.

So what was the question, sorry?

Sorry, I didn’t know you could blur it, I’ll do it later. My question (since I now realize, not everything I wrote in the post is there, a translator thing I suppose) is the following: Does this symbol sound familiar to you? Or does it look like some other symbol?

It reminds me of the a popular symbol for Hecate, though not quite the same. Hecate is a triple goddess, three aspects in one.

Please don’t forget your intro as well. :slight_smile:

Fascinating journey you’ve embarked on! The symbolism and visions in your experiences are indeed intriguing and worth exploring further.