Exorcism Training Log

After this point, I dropped the ball. Opened a sigil recklessly, then got into a bit of a tussle with something. One of my first extended fights (months now) with something’s influence. I attack, it retreats, comes back later. Worth its own thread. But it caused me to drop a lot of things, this case being one of them. Feelsbadman.jpg

So when I finally realize what all I’d forgotten, i get back to work. I send her a text apologizing and asking if she still needs assistance. She hit me with a yes instantly. Talking a little more, she admitted to being nervous about my approach. Wants a medium to check the place and see if I am necessary. I admit, i am curious as well, so i indulge her request. It just so happened, some people i helped, (the ‘Exorcism Training Dog’ case) had connections to two mediums. So i reached out.

One was a horoscope specialist, medium eyc. With a heavy price tag. $300 to read a home. Nope.

The other was admittedly ‘still learning to use the gifts’. She wants to do it for free, like me, so that she can practice her skills. An older (middleaged) woman, has her friend follow her readings with a camera. Instructed me not to give her any details about the case until after she has checked the home out. This is why i chose her.

So then we play the communication game of scheduling up a time we are all available. This weekend if everyone stays on the same page.

I also find that the couple from the Exorcism Training Dog case is in a new home, and having different issues. So now I’m back in the saddle with two cases at once I need to make time for.

I love doing this shit.ok

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Keep it up and a very interesting thread!

May I suggest a bit of reading for you? Written by a proper adept who knows what they’re doing…



Hi sir would you please inbox me you might could save a life :pray: