Exorcise Jesus

Jesus is a parasite. Have you met the actual Jesus?


Jesus is not a parasite. yes I have worked with Jesus and Lucifer at the same time


Jesus is a weird area for me. Why did Doreen Virtue convert? She channeled ‘Jesus’ for years and now she claims this wasn’t the same Jesus she knows now. She entered the system and over night she’s changed. Snap.

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They become parasitic when you decline them…

occult 101

no. you have no clue what you’re talking about.


This is super weird. Well, guess I’ll stop calling him up to make fun of him

Everyone here is more or less convinced it is not Jesus but rather a simple parasite.
The one thing I am quite sure I really disagree with is that it is a simple parasite. I can do more to get rid of it, but I am pretty sure a simple parasite would be gone by now or I would have seen a dramatic shift.
I have caught my demons pretending to be all sorts of things, all sorts of tricks like that, so it could be that, I doubt the forum likes that possibility much either.

I am curious about @KRA 's perspective

Because that is what I have seemed to experience with Jesus, quite strongly in fact.

But it could be my demons, I have noticed they don’t just play magick, they also play magic.

Also curious about @Trishul66 's experience

He does seem to feed off of people’s prayers and faiths but perhaps more interesting is all those priests and nuns raising sexual energy from remaining chaste, I do know that spirits do feed on that stuff big time, and as I even just say that I seem to be hit with a bunch of thought forms or spirits being like: “Don’t you dare say that about Jesus!”

As well as interested in hearing @MagickVigilante 's experience with working with Jesus and Lucifer at the same time.

I mean many view Jesus as an ascended master and an ascended master isnt above being parasitic. Even a God can be if desperate enough :man_shrugging:t5:


I really don’t think there’s anyone here who works with Jesus for alchemical purposes and gets results. People just up here coiled in there subconscious programming of who Jesus is but fact is Jesus aint shit. I was also attacked by the ilk. They tried to serum my root chakra and split my crown and bind my heart chakra. There main purpose is to seal you if they get a chance and hinder any worthwhile spiritual growth. Be ferocious defend yourself and quit it with him and his group already. Use fire to burn away the be they did to you.

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Honestly, idk why I came back, because this statement, this one here pretty much tells us everything we needed to know.


Maybe, I work with all the same demons everyone else works with here, all the goetic kings, Lucifer, Astaroth etc.

@Trishul66 's story also sounds similar to mine.

The mystery school did basically say Jesus could fuck you and your powers if you didn’t play by the rules, which also included things like the 10 commandments.

So how do you know?

YOU MIGHT CHECK TO SEE IF CHRISTIANS ARE PRAYING FOR ( AGAINST ) YOU. They might be sending this thought form or their own to harass you

You likely picked up an imposter parasite looking for some yummy food at the mystery school thingy you went to.

Summon Pazuzu and command him to exorcise you. He will do it during your sleep, and he’ll likely tell you what he wants for payment.


Sounds more like you got caught up with something at that mystery school than the actual Jesus to me.

Regardless if you can sense it start by figuring out the properties and polarities of whatever’s trying to bind you and from there you can figure out how best to fight against it and loosen its grip.

Either way have you tried “resetting” yourself to a state from before you went to that mystery school ritual thing? Simply try and recall a moment from before that event and get it all into detail. Then try and sense your own energy, patterning, and your entire “self” and drag that feeling into your body.

As for working with Jesus and all that, I’ve done it pretty regularly for awhile now. Gotten quite decent results and really good tools from him in fact.

and when it comes to “some of the most power demons” on your side, it’s never wise to make assumptions.

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what’s the name of the religious group you’ve attended to?

There’s lot of Christian cults that implement false dogmas in the mind. Well if you go to their meeting deliberately you’ve been asking for this mindwash. you have to answer yourself what is true for you.

Mind you these Christian groups have strong techniques.

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wouldn’t the best way to “exorcise” Jesus from your life is by realizing that there is literally zero evidence that he existed? Not one single historian or scholar of that time period mentioned Jesus even once, or anyone resembling him. Even tho he was “raising the dead” and doing miracles. Funny how no one thought to mention such a person.

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Have you heard chaos magicians evoking imaginary characters? Jesus could easily be the supreme imaginary character, it is all the energy people put towards the beings, that might in fact just make them real in the first place.

I will include a few pictures

This next one is an interesting example because it says you can lose your psychic powers but only states if you spy on someone, to which I didn’t really, unless you count that I found myself briefly somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be and then left right away; but it also says to follow kind of odd rules I wouldn’t like the 10 commandments.

The place being called the modern mystery school, did not advertise itself as a Christian thing, but rather put up posters in the local left hand path shop.

Thank you for asking some good questions here, I think folks like @Keteriya wanted to say she was out but stop by and laugh at me that I have been considering the possibility that maybe it wasn’t Jesus and maybe it has been my demons that have tricked me into thinking it was. It was probably to some extent, at least exaggerated by them at times but these are some reasons why I have thought or think it could have something to do with this.

Also maybe I will show the part where we call upon Jesus

which might not make too much of a difference but I find it to be a bit misleading advertising when they put up their poster in a left hand path store and then bait and switch by calling upon Jesus, telling you to follow the 10 commandments and put your right hand over the left to symbolize the right hand path and a thing saying you could lose your psychic abilities, then going from a kick ass third eye, and ability to hear spirits to both of those abilities becoming super limited and having mostly just a light shining when you close your eyes, do I have some reason to be suspicious?

I had believed I had, had a parasite before, pretty sure now it was a demon that I later evoked but still, it was nothing like this. I also have multiple spirits working on this but nothing as of yet.

OK I think your higher self doesnt like you being in this particular religious group or doesnt see you at all in gropu practice. Your higher self wants you to be independent and solitary pracitioner and it’s sending you discouraging sensations. This is how I see it, for as this group promotes esotericism it’s definitely not one of this mindwashing Christian cults.

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Why is my third eye about 95% worse? Seeing light every time I try to scry into the darkness of my close eyes, especially when I try to see, the light washes over everything my meditation had tried to accomplish?