Evoking without any ritual tools

I do much better without all the ritual tools. Have ea’s circle a home made triangle, incense bowl lol and a altar which can be anything that and sigil and notebook for dagger I use my finger fuck it. Works great

indeed invocation just talking to it, evokation is making it manifest to the physical world


I completely agree!! I use no tools and have great results. Belief and meditation/getting to the proper level is key.

[quote=“succupedia, post:5, topic:4794”]According to my own experience, the best “tool” to make things happen are yourself.

Sigils, rituals, chantings, altars, jewelries or whatever materials recommended by other magicians is more or less a mental preparation to create anticipations of a plausible outcome. None of these “props” won’t work if you lack faith or beliefs in your anticipations and whoever you want to call forward.

That’s the beauty of magic. You can even create your own techniques, methods and “standards” if you take that first step.[/quote]

I only have experience with invocation and I get physical manifestations, I see the entity with eyes open. [quote=“Jakob420, post:20, topic:4794”]Evoking bringing the spirit into the smoke in front of you. Invoking bringing the spirit or it’s energy into you.[/quote]