Evocation help for paralda

So I started to evoke the king of air paralda now . Can someone please tell me an alternate method to evoke him other than the basic evocation given in EVOKING ETERNITY. I am allergic to insence smoke , so could I use a crystal gazing ball instead of the insence


Hey @Yif, I’ve evoked Paralda , a few times now as well, I have used , a bowl of water to scry from, i have also used my crystal ball.

Face the east and vibrate the name Paralda, untill you feel his energy lay down upon you like a blanket , once you feel his energy use the ritual dagger and gather his energy in counter clockwise circles over the crystal ball and bring it down into the ball or water with the tip of the dagger ( visualize the energy as blue if you cannot see it yet).

He materializes as a armored knight , or as elemental air flowing around you or your medium…then listen in your head for thoughts …they communicate through your inner monologue, untill your clairvoyance is keen enough to translate vibrations.
Hope this helps .


wait so clairyance is not only seeing spirits?its aslo communication?


Alright thanks man. So I do the same basic evocation given in his book but instead of the triangle of manifestation and the insence , I take within my circle the crystal and then call upon him so that I can see him in the ball right . That’ll do the work eh ? I’ll evoke him this way everyday for a week and then will get back to you

  • yif .
    Cheers man !

Welcome to the forum @Yif. Please take a moment to post an introduction and tell us a bit about yourself. It is a rule of this forum.


Hey @Xag_darklight, this is what my draconian ritual books definition of the 6 astral senses…

  1. Clairvoyance : I the psychic equivalent of sight or vision, it attuned the inner sight to extrasensory vibrations of energy.
    2.Clairaudience: corresponds to the physical sense of hear in and is based on the perception of sound.
    3.Clairscent: The psychic equivalent of the physical sense of smell.
    4.Clairgustance: Corresponds to the physical sense of taste. ( gustation )
    5.Clairtangency: also known as clear touching, or psychometry.
    6.:" the sixth sense"… combination of all or the general whole body feeling…the overall concept of highly developed intuition that allows for access to higher guidance and information from other planes and dimensions.

Hopes this helps…the draconian ritual book provides meditations that open and strengthen all of these.

Rors​:smiling_imp: :wink:


Done :wink:


Um…no, you haven’t. Please post a proper introduction as per the rules of this forum.

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The one in my profile which says introduction, I filled that one up

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Sorry, but your profile does not count as an intro. It has to be posted to the forum.


Ah, perhaps the information is not clear enough, please make a POST on the forum as an intro, for example here: Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum - #4619 by Nefarion

It is one of our rules, you either received or will shortly receive a PM from me titled “Greetings” which has a link to these and requests you read them, just the once, so you understand our forum and how to get the most out of your time here. So, please make that your next post, you can copy-paste in the profile info if you want.

Cheers! :+1:


Cool done

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Alright done

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a tip to avoid your allergy towards Incense smoke:

Instead of burning incense,
and releasing it to the air,
rather liquify the Resin,
and cover the Sigil you’re working with in it.

(use plastic hand gloves while doing that.)

Once it’s covered,
seal of the resin by placing the Sigil into Plastic foil.

That, will kind of bypass the issue of not having any sacrifice there.

But, it won’t be sufficient for forming a body for the spirit.

You’ll need to train your gazing quite a bit,
until you can pull it out from the scrying surface,
of water / Crystal ball,
and you can project it directly into mid air,
by keeping the focus on the Structured body,
and manifest it directly into the air in front of you.

that’ll take quite some dedication,
to get reliable results with that method.

You’re skiping the Structuring as much as you can there.

At least while training,
get dry-ice to creaty simple clean “Water”-fog,
and train structuring that,
into the Body you’re evoking.

The Fog should work as well as normal incense smoke,
because it’s coming out very thick.

It doesn’t contain the Energetic frequencies required,

So you need to feel it into there,
for that to work.

Just to answer that for my own curiosity:

Did you test,
incense causing allergy?

I mean,
i certainly know how severe a real allergy can become,
but i also know,
that allergy is a modern sickness,
caused by immune system overreacting to normally harmless substances.

normally that comes from to much hygiene,
and can be turned off,
at least in some cases,
by occupying the immune system with other stuff.

even tho this may sound like bad advice for the first moment,
eating dirt - and i really mean dirt, and soil,
will reduce your immmune systems over-reactions,
because it then starts to occupy itself with the real sickness viruses and bacteria,
present in your enviorment,
instead of attack harmless substances,
that actually belong to the nutrition,
or in that specific case,

