Easy No Equipment Money Spell?

Hello, I am new to magick. I am 14 yrs old. I have a lot of things I wish to buy for myself, some needed, some not, and I also desire to bail out my father from debt. I’ve looked at the money spell thread, everything requires a lot of tools, which I can’t do as I am in a devout Christian family. Anyone know easy discreet money spells? I’m looking to manifest a couple hundred. Thx

Welcome @Mikeel_SU It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


From that thread you may copy the URL to the “I AM” wealth affirmations and paste it into the Web Archive, for those sentences the equipment is not required, also you may search Bune’s sigil and look at it while repeating “Alash tad al’ash tal tal ashtu”.
Another possible method is looking at the Seqor Eqamo square from the Abramelin’s grimoire, and meanwhile imagine gaining money, becoming wealthy.
I suggest to watch (for example) Wesley Virgin’s videos about making money online, by now some of them may be outdated but it’s possible to acquire the related mentality. For example, it’s often possible to notice the principles of copying successful people and to capitalize on the trends. By also looking at other sources (Dan Lok, Dan Pena…), try building a system to complement magick on a mundane level to generate wealth.

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