Dream about chakra opening?

Hey guys !

So, I’m used to having fucked up dreams, prophetic ones from time to time and this is not one of those but I’ve been feeling weird since I woke up this morning.

Last night, I dreamt a man came to me, can’t really recall his physical features except he was bald and kinda had a demeanor similar to a buddhist monk in some way. It was the vibe I got anyway.
He told me it was time for me to open up my crown chakra. I was not overly thrilled about this but I was like “well ok go ahead then” :rofl:
He pressed a spot on the top of my head. Although he did not press hard at all, that shit hurt so much I screamed at the top of my lungs. I saw this purple light bursting out of my head. The pain woke me up actually, and I could still feel it while being awake.
I’ve been feeling this weird sensation on the top of my head ever since. It does not hurt anymore though., it’s rather a tingling sensation.
I’ve looked up the crown chakra cause I’m not familiar with this one in particular. It’s linked to spiritual growth and connection to the universe.

Now, I did a ritual last night, with Duchess Gremori. But it was regarding a love situation and not spiritual ascension or things like that. So I don’t know if this might be related or not.

If anyone has some insights or thoughts about this, please feel free to share cause I would like to hear it :slight_smile:


It might had to do with it, since you felt the pain as real and after waking up, which is proper of “the movies” that demons play for us. Some people say that such dreams are actually astral experiences.

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Thanks for your input :slight_smile:
Indeed, It might have something to do with it. I’ll have to make contact with Duchess Gremori again to try and know more about that

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I personally love that you had this dream encounter. I had a similar experience a few months ago after reading a post by @DarkestKnight:

In a dream, Lucifer appeared to me in the form of a handsome man. I was standing on a pedestrian bridge over water in a boat harbour. The man was walking, wearing an overcoat and travelling with a male companion of noticeably smaller stature than himself. Without words, he communicated his situation to me, speaking of the impossible, the unreachable. It was a lament. In light of this, he asked for my consent to, in only this fleeting moment, engage (for want of a better or any other word). I felt completely at ease and trusting, despite him being a stranger, and I wanted to grant his request.
The man approached me and gently pushed my back against the bridge railing. While both of us remained fully clothed, his energy more than anything else pressed close against me, we began a sexual encounter. Lucifer let it be known that he was opening my root chakra, showing me the point from which the sexual energy I was experiencing emanated. It was indescribable really… ecstasy, cosmic, spiritual rather than animalistic and yet still rooted in my body. It was an overpowering sensation and lesson that remained with me, perfectly intact, upon waking and afterwards.

Interestingly, when I later analysed the dream a little further, I questioned the bridge railing. Why railing… rail? I was led to the following Urban Dictionary definition, which I’ll preface by the statement that I’m of Irish descent :laughing::

rail her
A term used when you plan to have sexual intercourse with an Irish girl.

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Wow that must have been quite intense indeed ! Too bad you were not lucid dreaming at this moment.
I feel like opening chakras through dreams might be “easier” than with meditation while being awake.

Your dream could be used as a kick ass campaign geared toward some men who think consent is like an innate tendency when it comes to women.
“Even Lucifer ask for consent, so you might as well do it too” :joy:

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