Drawing Lucifer's Sigil Right or Wrong?

Help me connect with him

You really don’t want to see my rushes sigil s and seals. They are god awful.

i still haven’t been successful in connecting with him. so still trying

Well when you connect with him let me know

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Thx Jpj and arianna :smile:


I had the sigil two years ago on the back of my neck since then I have found the will power to stop a 20 year heroin and crack addiction and cope with depression.

Welcome @Pete_Brannigan. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

Meditate with his sigil everyday for years, that’s how u can show ur commitment.

Hail Lord Lucifer :crown:

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