Djijns Are They Safe?

You probably already know this, but Harut and Marut are also Halphas and Malphas from the Goetia.

I’ve evoked President Malphas a few times and he’s a fantastic Spirit. Very very smart and very capable.

When he came, he came as a large crow which kept switching from Crow to Pigeon and back. He also came as a man with dark skin, athletic build, slicked back hair and sharp features.

I was confused about this and was doubting myself.

The next morning I was sitting on my couch with all the windows closed and as I looked down, i saw a pigeon feather placed strategically between my feet. There was no wind, nothing could’ve done that.

They say that Malphas and Halpas often come together.

Malphas also likes to play a few tricks. Each time I evoked him. The AC would not turn on, no matter what i did. I had to sit in a sweaty room and evoke. The next day the AC would be fine.

After the evocation i find crows sitting on my window grille all the time. Not cawing, just sitting and surveiling (if that’s even a word).

When i open the window to feed them, they do not fly away, but gently move aside for me to be able to place the cheese.

He delivered swiftly and efficiently.

Safe to say I have a good relationship with President Malphas and i highly Highly recommend him.

I do not know if they have Djinn origins. Can you share if the book says if Harut and Marut are Djinns?


Unfortunately I do not have the book anymore.
I asked King Paimon, and he said, “yes, they are.”