Did Bune decide to stop helping me? What have I done wrong? Please help:(

Thanks! I gave her my offering last night hope she likes it!


Thanks for your sharing I’ve become more positive now!

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I want to give some update on this. So I prayed to Bune and Paimon and didn’t get an offer…until last Friday. Yes it took so long. I guess whoever that got the offer earlier didn’t stay. The problem is that I’ve been doing okay in my current job and think the new job offer could’ve been better in terms of the salary so I turned it down in the hope that I’ll be given a better offer later on so I’ll accept it right away.

I come back here to praise Bune and Paimon for getting me the offer like I had hoped for. Hail Bune Hail Paimon! Please guide me through and make the offer better as desired🙏🏻