Darkly Dreaming Druids

Amazing, That gave me goosebumps. Whenever I get goosebumps it’s usually my god self saying “Yes!” lol great post.


Deep Peace of the running waves to you…

do you know it? was on that path for 5 years, it was intense and very satisfying path, now I’m just a mere bard wandering the paths of light.

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I’ve been thinking about becoming a druid or shaman actually. Interesting this popped up.


it is a fabulous path… I’m leaning towards shaman myself nowadays. writing poetry is my favorite hobby, tis interesting indeed. /|\

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I’ve been walking the Celtic path so it’s definitely been on my mind.

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Good good. I was on the Celtic for a bit then wandered into more new agey stuff but it didn’t satisfy my yearning for my ancestors ways at all. I may keep some things and get my butt back to this asap!

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Just a suggestion but you sound like someone who should write an article to Gods & Radicals about this, if you feel like it.


Gods and Radicals??! Lololol well what does that mean exactly? Sorry that struck me as oddly funny. :wink:

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It does in fact sound a bit funny. They explain the name somewhere on their site:

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Ahhh okay very good, thanks for the linkage. :slight_smile:

AND as a side note, I really am hoping to find paying work as a writer online so… spot on there! (you never know)

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You’re welcome. I have contributed two poems to the magazine and the site so far under my real name. Nice people.

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Yay! Got a response from them, they say they will look at my submission and I did make one so there is hope, now I must wait as May has been filled up, nonetheless I’m venturing forth and working on writing daily with few exceptional days.

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