Could you suggest something to reverse magick

Something I like to use which is a little bruja is oil and water to remove an unwanted entity or Magick. It’s a bit on the nerdy side. Oil and water don’t mix not because they repel but because here is not enough space between lipid molecules for water. I mix them together in a container imagining that I am the water and there is not enough space in my life for the entity/magick (oil) while I watch them seperate.

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That was insightful. This leads to more questions!

An entity was attached to his working. What type of entity? Lesser? Servitor-type? Not a higher Lord/Lady/King/Queen/etc? If lesser, then treat it like energy and siphon it (I use a visualized “filter” to purify the energy before bringing it in)? If you start feeling full, dump it into an object or the Earth and keep going. You get topped up, it gets lessened over a period of time, and they person that sent it will be helping to make you stronger as they continue to feed it. If they’re smart, or at least observant, they may notice that it has been lessened and start to reconsider their approach.

Concerning the shield, a simple adaptation. Allow in/out positive energy/higher connections as a sort of condition to the filter (set with intent). Perhaps setting up a reactive shield would be better, one that is pre-set, but only comes up when something non-beneficial comes about.

Remember that although someone used a certain book, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go another route. Either a different book or petition a higher deity to intervene on your behalf, if you believe in that.

Do you have any special ritual for doing it?

The entity was,i got to know,an elemental fire spirit.A salamander.As for the shield,right now its exactly what iam trying to do.Do you have any book suggestion in this situation?

I prefer Jason Miller’s Reversal and Protection Magick. He goes over these most of what I’ve suggested, including elemental shields and whatnot. Cheap on Amazon. I have the kindle version.

Nothing specific. I plan it according to the specific situation. You can use whatever you feel is appropriate.

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Thanks i’ll check it out


You can use the “freeze the curses” working itself to "reverse the curses: sent towards you. And use the “remove entity” working mentioned in the book to remove any entity periodically disturbing you.