Conceiving a daemonic child

I think it would be, but you may need to align your energy to theirs first. :thumbsup:


Ah, ok I undersand.


I did that for my own conception, merging with dragons and/or shapeshifting in the astral to dragon-forms would be a good start I think. :smiley:


Please keep it spiritual bro, the elites have been trying to give birth to the next antichrist and all they ever do is completely screw up the poor kid from SRA and split the childs mind into many alters , split personalities which the child creates to deal with the trauma.

elites have been trying for years to create pure demon children and all they succeeded in is creating psychopaths.


Forgive me but I just had to do this: HOLY SHIT BABY BATMAN.


I see. I will definitely be looking into this more as well as meditation on myself and the matter.

This could be somthing to consider to take my bond with the Dragons to its next level.


It will change you, it’s kind nof like spiritual telegony, you’ll never NOT have some of that energy within. It’ll also affect any future children you have, human children I mean, which you may or may not be okay with. :wink:


I haven’t pland on having human children, worried about passing on any of the mental illnesses I have to them. That said if, I ever did, I would love them to have the bond I share and more.

Speaking of that worry, somrhing tells me I wouldn’t have to worry about that with this.


Nah man I have a human daughter she may act like a antichrist but I wouldn’t do that shit :joy:, this is on a whole spiritual level.

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No, you won’t, the energy comes from a different place, the spirit should have aspects of you but not in a limiting way. :thumbsup:


Wonderful news.:grin:


Could you expand on this some more please

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As I’ve experienced this, you don’t have to carry the child. The procedure varies and is only limited by your own perceptions.

The sexual part, for me, was different than how it normally goes. It was a mix of solidity to their physical manifestation with their “private parts” having a slightly different functions. The easiest way to explain this is “penetration within penetration”, where their vagina penetrates the urethra, deep enough to reach the testical area. These sensations is more within the darker manifestations. They also use medical procedures similar to an IVF.

That’s how I experienced this, but these kind of experiences is only limited to your perceptions. The more advanced your ability to perceive the spirits, the more you will learn how it work.


My spirit spouse carried our child for a few weeks, but their perception of time isn’t the same as our own perception. She even shared her own physical state of pregnancy to me, letting me know that she was, in fact, pregnant.

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Very interesting, I hope you will keep us updated with the entire process so we can all learn from it :slight_smile:


@succupedia really? On your blog you said it lasted as long as human pregnancy, 9 months.

Also, I wonder if women can carry the baby inside their actual womb (the organ) for extra protection.

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First time in my life I hear that a male can get pregnant in any way lol. From my personal experience regard creating your spirit(s), it does not matter if you are male or a female for sure, but saying that male can get pregnant in astral is just impossible as getting pregnant in physical world. Each energy, be it female or male energy (be it dark or light polarity) has something what other will never have just as it is in physical.

That thing you refer to as a “demonic sperm” (or whatever)… is just energy that you don’t even need to borrow from anyone but you can do it by yourself (literally being as father and mother), but also you can “fuse” energies from 2 (or even more I guess…) entities to make 1 new entity (a child).

I would agree with @Lady_Eva regard creating any other spirit. It don’t have to be a demonic, it can be angelic nature as well or any other, but in order to do that, you either have to be angel/demon (or anything else) by yourself (be it by nature or ascending into it) or even by fusing with another entity, yes. People often think that only demonic entities will do something like that but to be honest, every single entity… be it human, animal, demon, angel, some alien thing… everything in this universe can create something new.

As @Lola already said, having a spirit child is not a small thing especially if you decide to create it with another entity, but I am pretty sure that you (@C.Kendall) were already thinking of it.

But @C.Kendall , I still don’t believe that male is able to give a birth to anything in a way as female can, it is just a nature. But if you really believe in that birth process then… I am 100% sure that even if you imagine an egg (big one) and place energy that is commanded to create that new being into it… it can be born like that as well (I did something like that in past). Not sure why you need to complicate things with human ways.

Anyway, good luck with it @C.Kendall

  • Flame
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@Flame well maybe c Kendall wants to be pregnant so that he can have the baby with him 24/7. Maybe he has enemies who could potentially harm the baby, that is one thing we must consider…Personally I think pregnancy would be the safest option to ensure that the baby stays unharmed.

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I made that post 5+ years ago. A lot of things happened over the years since that post. Their perception of time isn’t like how we perceive it, either. In a span of a year, I’ve experienced so much with my spirits that it would be hard remembering every…single…detail from that time to the present day. Do you remember anything from 5+ years back, that might be slightly different with what you know today?

This whole thread reminds me of the story of Sr. Magdalena of the Cross

She also bore a spirit child. The following is from the above link:

[quote]On March 25, 1518, the day of the Feast of the Annunciation, Magdalena discreetly tells her Abbess some news which fills the pious woman with great confusion and perplexity–Magdalena states that on the preceding night, that is, the solemn Vigil of the Annunciation, she had conceived the child Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus Magdalene of the Cross, the shining light of the convent of Saint Elizabeth of the Angels, is pregnant.

Forseeing the enormous scandal that such news would inevitably provoke, the Abbess orders Magdalena to keep absolutely quiet about it for now, while she prays for guidence as to how to proceed. As the days pass, the Abbess discretely watches Magdalena and, after a few weeks, she is obliged to bow to the obvious evidence, for Magdalena’s abdomen is noticeably rounding out, and the moment is going to come when they will no longer be able to hide this “work” of the Holy Spirit…or of nature?


Hearing the news, the Archbishop of Seville sends three experienced matron “midwives” to examine Magdalena. Having very carefully examined her, they announce that while it is indeed true that the nun is pregnant, it is also very much a fact that her virginity is completely intact and unquestionable. Prayers of thanksgiving explode in all the churches and throughout the land, and inside the convent the doubters and gossipers are reduced to utter silence and penances for their apparent doubts .

On Christmas Eve, 1518, Magdalena confirms that she will very soon give birth. A little house at the end of the garden is prepared for her, for in a vision her guardian angel recommends that she give birth alone, so as to suffer more without any human assistance. Magdalena remains locked up in the little house for three days, during which time the whole community remains in prayer. The story that Magdalena tells when she comes out is absolutely prodigious.

She relates that during Christmas night, at midnight, she gives birth to a magnificent baby who radiates so much light that she can see as if it were high noon. The cold air of her chamber is suddenly miraculously heated and the divine child doesn’t suffer at all from the cold.

During this time, strangely Magdalena’s hair begins to grow very fast and, from crow black that it was, it changes to the brightest blond, with its long length allowing her to swaddle the infant child in it, and keep him warm in the softest of tunics.

As proof of the miracle, she cuts a few of her blond curls before her hair turns back to normal. The nuns then compete for a few of the miraculous hairs to keep as precious relics.

Continuing with the story of the remarkable birth, Sr. Magdalene de la Cruz states that on the morning after Christmas she found herself alone, the beautiful little child gone, but with her breast chapped from suckling him, along with all of the stigmata of recent delivery still on her body. Soon the matron midwives are sent again to check on the veracity of these facts and to verify that Magdalena’s virginity has not suffered from the event. A solemn ‘Te Deum’ is then sung in the cathedral and donations flow in like never before. But in truth this entire event was orchestrated and perpetrated by the devil, in particular by two demons named Balban and Patorrio, as we will soon discover.[/quote]

Balban was Sr. Magdalena’s incubus and they were in a pact together.