Coming soon to the *MFWB* group

After reading yours, had to add despite the past. Even if it is not something I did just something they think I did


im still in with the same request


increase my magical abilities in general especially the opening of my third eye. No 2. that she makes contact with me (it is not priority xD)


Destruction energy in place.


Thank you :blush:

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I’m still in, same request.


I thought I had turned mine in.

This is gonna be sweet.

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Request: A friend and I are planning to open an Herbal Apothecary, and are getting ready to find investors. We want to open the store this summer. My request is that we easily get all the money and resources needed to open and run the store, and that the store will be a huge success, and that all will happen quickly so we can open this summer.

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I want Help making My Hypnosis and Shaman business so successful I can start Healing the world on a large scale. I want to Heal Millions!!! Mwah Haha!!! More specifically I want to be world renowned, fill up every class I put together, and have 33 clients per week. Time frame. 3 months.


Hello Arianna, I still wants to be part of both groups,
You forgot to add my name :blush:
We talked about that end January

In if not too late…I request more energy, clarity of thought with perfect memory recall, and the opening (and control of) all magical senses.