Chakra Mantras

In Koetting’s book, Questing After Visions, I began doing the Chakra cleansing and energetizing exercise using the Bija mantras. When beginning with the Maludhara Chakra, the incantation of Ganesha is given as a opener of the column, “Aum Gam Ganapatayeh Namah”.

What are the corresponding deity incantations for all the other Chakras? Recently upon searching, I’ve found this information a bit difficult to find.

For that particular exercise you only need the mantra of Ganesha, as he is the destroyer of obstacles and the opener of the way. The mantra is used to remove blockages to the flow of energy. You are not invoking the entity, only calling upon His energy, as you do with the Agni chant at the Ajna chakra.

I myself have just started doing the exercise again. i like it better than the abbreviated version in the Soul Travel course.

Edit: I forgot to mention, if you really want to delve into the various mantras for the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, I recommend the book Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound by Davis Frawley.


This has a list you could use as the basis for research - different sects (Saivite, Vaisnavite and Sakta Hindus) may have different systems:


Personally, my view is that meditation per se opens the chakras.