Centering discovering THE REAL YOU

Lie still. Don’t fall asleep, Notice your body’s muscles, all of them, which muscles are tense? Don’t interfere, just notice. Scan through your entire body. It takes time, When you’re done, say the following mentally;

I have a physical body and physical sensations, I am not my physical body, it is a mere vehicle, these physical sensations pass by like waves underneath an ocean buoy, ever changing m ever changing.

Now move on to all of your emotions and feelings you feel. Acknowledge and name them mentally. Every painful one. Every agreeable one.

When done repeat the same phrase above

I have emotions and feelings, I am not my feelings and emotions these emotions and feelings pass by like waves underneath an ocean buoy, ever changing m ever changing.

Then your desires and your personal requirements

same process as above

Then your mind i.e. all memories, thoughts and mental images

same process.

Then say I am the self, a centre of pure consciousness and I have a Passive Neutral Observer which is my Real “I” perfect and complete, waiting for me to let it out and align with it.


Very nice!

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