Can someone tell me what species are out there?

I’m digging that outfit :sunglasses:


Haha, me too. I want some epic threads like that…

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That doesn’t cost a thousand bucks. :unamused:

Planetary Spirits. Those are neat.

Anything that can be thought of. I just like making lists :upside_down_face:

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Welcome to the paradox of co-creation :alien: if all is both as above as below and as within and without. Then this is both accurate and inaccurate. As all truths are but half truths. Is it of the druj/ the lie, part of the truth of becoming


fuckin’ vampire, man…(is he kidding, is he kidding?).

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I plan on making a book of creatures so I can have recorded data that’s why I was asking


It would take a lifetime to do that.

Is it just for the purpose of recording information for the heck of it or are you wanting to find different spirits to call on for specific purposes?

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Just for knowledge so recording information

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That is probably going to end up being a lifelong endeavor but I salute you for it.

I would start with the ones mentioned here. As you research it should lead you to more.

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True I have half a book done already


That’s quite a bit. Nice work

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Yeah took me half a year


Yeees mind flayers!!

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As many as there are stars.

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True I may post a digital copy/link to digital copy so people can read it once I’m done

A question many a long meditation and many a spirit chat has not been able to answer. I’ve gone round and round in circles to the point where everything to me is both a thing that pre-existed humans and a human-created egregore, including humans.


What??? Humans are what?

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All creatures that have been thought up by man are creatures that exist and can be interacted with.

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Thoughtforms of the All.