Can angels or demons or gods take a physical body?

Well use CE5 to contact them or whatever his method is and give it a try. We’d love to hear your results! :smiley:

do you have information about this?

CE5? It’s a method developed by Dr Steven Greer. You can find instructions free on youtube.

Here’s one I did that was successful. It’s a good starting practice one I think and once you get the idea you can adapt it from there. It’s basically no different than shamanic journeying imo. :smiley:

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You have to won’t them to help you

I’m a bit confused. What I want is for my soul to be transferred to a new body. A body that is exactly like the body of the person I want. I don’t mean to switch my soul or body with that person. Can ETs do that? Or the angels which can take physical form…I mean transfer my soul in physical entities body like angels or ET s.

I can’t prove this but nearly a decade back I was speed walking in an isolated area with nowhere to hide. I was cruising to the beat. Suddenly, this bald fat guy dressed in a suit was passing me. He turned, smiled, said “what a good day this morning is.” And He passed me. I heard a noise from behind and turned. Nothing. I turned back. Clarence looking “angel?” Dude was gone. Can’t prove it. And no i don’t dope. I wasn’t dreaming. I clocked up a two hour walk that day.

Personally speaking as a person that’s been possessed many many times, the moderators in my opinion don’t have the required experience to provide a definitive answer, respectfully, consciousness is not solid, its basically everything, so in reality the fact that you think you are a self means you are possessed by a fragment, when in reality you’re the entirety.

Let me make this really plain and simple, humans are not unidimensional, they are multidimensional, meaning you can hold more than one perspective, more than one spirit at once, you’re not your spirit, there are levels to self, the soul remains intact, but another spirit can jump in if you are unconscious, or through consent. I’ve had many beings possess me at the same time and even different parts of my body, I’ve had spirits try to take over my body and shut me out as well, which can happen when you’re drunk or intoxicated but it’s rare

You are not your person, you are simply the eye, the highest point of awareness is that there is no self. So the reality of possession or walk ins vary based on your level of consciousness. I know magicians that bring 3 different spirits into their body and the powers that come with them, it’s all in the consciousness, you have to train the eye, you have to be connected to your Godhead otherwise you’re kinda fucked. Usually people that don’t have a good sense of self knowledge go insane or mentally ill.

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Hello again…@Mulberry i need more information about it “which entities can take a physical body and then transfer my soul in that body”…i really need it

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The entity would have to be your own higher being.

But I do belueve it requires permission very specific circumstances, which are difficult to meet.

You’re not the only being involvrd, the other body, which has as far as I can tell not been sourced, is already owned by someone else.

You need to find that body and get agreement from its owner, then you have to get your higher self to agree to move.
And after that you have to have the technique. The melchizendeks know it. But I don’t know why they would share.

All this is unlikely to line up to put it mildly.

Do you though? :thinking: … millions of people die every day for lack of a new body. They reincarnate imo, and get a new body that way. What do you mean by “need” that reincarnating does not resolve?

… of course that implies there’s millions of bodies that have just been left to take. Unfortunately the coming way of leveraging a spirit out of them is to damage the body so badly it’s unusable. So you’d have to have miraculous healing ability to restore one.

do you mean my higher self can take physical body?..can you tell me them simpler…sorry English is not my native language.

That is my belief, yes. Right now, you are your higher self incarnate in a physical body. You have forgotten who you are. We all forget, because we all get our memories wiped before we incarnate.

so is it possible an angel take physical body and then switch our souls? then i got body of that angel?

im looking for a new body just like another person…and im looking for a deity or angel that can take that body physically and then transfer my own soul in it

Even if something like that were possible, you have zero experience in magick of any kind, and would be unable to accomplish something so advanced. You’re wasting your time.


i know i dont have any exprience in magick…cause doing magic is not work of everyone and not everyone has enough knowledge about it

As I understand the process of incarnation, you already have the body of an angel, as we are all higher beings that are incarnate. “Incarnate” means “in the carnal” and carnal means “flesh”… In the flesh.

If you follow ideas such as those in he Tibetan Book of the Dead that explains how we incarnate, the process of taking a human body is that you take on more and more layers of bodies. Each body is more dense than the last. Dying is the same thing in reverse. that you shed the physical, then qi, then mental and other bodies, in order.

Angelic beings don’t come down into the flesh, they just stay with the etheric bodies… in the picture below they are called the “causal” and “supercausal”. I call this level the astral body.


Angels are not human, they don’t have bodies with blond hair and wings. They don’t have bodies at all, imo. This is partly why people saying entities look like people seems silly to me. They are energy beings and basically looks however they want to influence your mind to see them, but they have no form like humans do.

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what about gods? can they take a real physical body?

In my opinion, gods don’t actually exist.

What we call “gods” are aliens, cosmic beings (angelics) or some other energy being. Cosmic beings at higher levels that are not single consciousnesses but are forces of nature don’t incarnate at all, imo.

Dude, no matter how many times you ask the same question, the answer won’t change. You cannot switch bodies with another person or an angel/demon/god/anteater. If you want a new body, use your own consciousness to improve the one you currently wear.


I don’t believe a lot of people realize how powerful we in our bodies really are. We exist and coexist on the physical plane. You could argue it is a dream, altered state, lower living but we touch, taste, smell, listen, see in a way that spirits just can’t do constantly as we do. (*as far as I know). This is our living existence. The rate of dying eventually is a damn probability that will likely happen to you. And you just want to swap out. Sounds lazy. You should be aspiring in any way to better yourself. Bit by bit. This is your battle in existence and not some others. You should savor life with a fervor and lust to embrace it in all the pain or glory it offers. A being who has lost their will withers. Don’t expect to be watered by another or rays of light to bring you out of your darkness. That fire is inside, and it desires to burn. Make it burn hotter than any star. No one else and nothing else will do it for you.

My opinion. Anything is possible even if improbable but why let something else get the glory when you yourself should have it.

Unless you really really want to be some sort of eternal slave.

Sometimess I think of songs in the plural to myself. My mind, body, and soul. And that body is composed of billions of cells, trillions of articles. My mind is a myriad of thoughts uncountable. And my soul exists beyond what I could explain to myself. So, exist I will and fight to exist until I don’t.

You are the commander of your mind, body, and soul. Think of them as armies, nations, worlds… AND THEY DEPEND ON YOU! Without you in the lead, they will evetually fail and fade. You want someone else to lead YOUR EMPIRE!


Always remember thineself. And strive to lead yourself and EMPIRE to ever greater glory. No other pilot or lord or king or GOD can ever be greater. And that is why so many fools try to crush your spirit because they can’t take it snd rule it. Eternity is your for the taking and it is a journey and war only you can traverse and endure.