Breaking the chains: Philosophy of Satanic Defiance

Bro, you literally plagiarized my blog post. RadioactiveNeckbeard's Journal - #7 by RadioactiveNeckbeard

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Give me a second, you guys :slight_smile: Unlisting the thread until its clear what happened.

@CrazyIrishman , did you wanted to quote @RadioactiveNeckbeard s post to open a discussion about its content or add your thoughts?

A heads up: copying other peoples writings without mentioning the source (off- and on-forum) could be seen as plagiarization (which is forbidden per the forum rules). Please always make sure to cite your source or - if you are discussing other forum members thoughts- to use the quote option :+1: You can also link entries directly, if you want to refer to a complete text of another forum member and not just portions.

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Yes I was trying to quote Radioactiveneckbeard but I didnt know how because I’m using mobile and I thi k I might need a magnifying glass to see

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Alright, I will tidy it up for you :slight_smile:

@CrazyIrishman do you wish do add your own thoughts and discussion points to the text? You can write it here and I will merge both things into one topic (the edit function is time-limited, so you can just mention it here and I will put it into the first post :slight_smile: )

@RadioactiveNeckbeard no harm intended :slight_smile: I will list the topic as soon as its ready :+1:

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Thank you for being kind and understanding and fair minded :relaxed:

Its okay, I find the smartphone version a bit fiddly as well :+1:

A very quick primer: quoting portions of texts can be done by simply marking the portion you’d like to quote (either with your mouse or your finger when you’re using a touch screen) and use the “quote” command that pops up.

If you choose “Quote” the marked segment of the text will re-appear in your own reply window and it will look like this:

You then can add your own thoughts, responses, etc. under the grey saturated block.
You should have received a starter mail by our forum bot @demon where you can test your way through certain forum functions via PM. If you happen to find it, test it out.


I am going to hit the bed now and won’t have internet coverage for the majority of tomorrow :slight_smile: If you wish to add your own thoughts/discussion points into your first post and don’t want to wait for me to return: add Mulberry or DarkestKnight into the thread by mentioning their Username with an @ right in front of the respective username. This way they are able to see this post and edit it and tidy it up before listing it again :+1:

Hey pariah will you just remove my post? I’ was gonna comment on it but I made my own post separately regarding “defiance” without using this one.

Because what I had to writ would be a thread unto itself.

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Will do :slight_smile: