Books -should i sell them?

Not all books arrived, and yes, i will nag those support people three more times.
But still, the few books and ebooks which indeed arrived -physicly or digitally,
those books are useless to me. And will probably stay like that, at least for months or even years.

~So… Should i just wait until the limited number of books got sold, and would at this point try to sell them for a big pile of money? Or would it be too tormenting, the knowing that i wasted money, and that i’m still not able to do anything -inability…why should i want to remind me to this?

What are your thoughts on that?
-And sorry for bringing up such trivial things again.

I don’t think selling e-books is legal, if you have physical copies of BALG books, there’s a kind of a waiver on selling your own personal stuff on here, but not digital content obviously.

As for what you SHOULD do, try the Book of Fate, Q.s 8 & 9 are the cosest it has to Yes/No, or Q. 27.

Personally I probably wouldn’t do it because I’ve had several books bought on the off-chance that waited patiently for years before the moment I was ready to use them, I think you’re still too early into your own studies and practice to know for sure what’s not for you and that you could be kicking yourself for parting with anything that will be more expensive to buy back further down the line. :slight_smile:


I can’t understand the beginning of the tutorial,
but thank you.

I’ll check amazon for a german version of that damn thing.

Perhaps I missed a previous discussion, but why are they useless? I would say hold on to them, you may find them useful at a later time. Worst come to worst, a couple years from now if you still don’t like them I’m sure you could trade them for other books. I do this sometimes with members, trade what I’ve outgrown for what I need.