Bigger penis

Daily balg meme thread


masturbate but don’t ejaculate, then hit those weights with a vengeance. you lose a lot of energy with ejaculation, learn to stretch it out for longer periods.

Well, if the use of “black” magic helps you to take control of your life and make healthier choices, I can see it happening. For example, a change in diet and exercise can burn the cushion of fat over the groin (which many people have) allowing the member to seem larger because of it. It doesn’t actually change through this method, but the appearance of it doing so can be a boost for anyone who is self conscious on that matter.


Regarding what ladies prefer: personal preferences are varied, but anecdotally 85% of ladies prefer a larger than average sized penis: most quality studies say 6" is average, but the vast majority of women I know say 8" is ideal. This would be like someone asking me what my preferred weight is for a woman 5’7"; it’s probably at least 30lbs lighter than the “average” woman that height.

When most women who say “size doesn’t matter” , what they mean is “I love you despite you having a sub par penis.”

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Three things…

  1. Did someone here find the link? nothing appears to me in the search. I say, I agree that you have to love each other as we are, but help to improve does not hurt.
  2. I once read an erotic story where the protagonist had a normal-sized penis, but through magic he made the women he was with perceive it as enormous. I don’t know if this could be a way to go.
  3. I seem to have seen here a voodoo spell in which you made your own wax figure and the person who published it said that you could change physical characteristics such as weight, breast or penis size.

Eight inches!? Oh hell NO! If she’s an above average sized lady, okay but a petite lady isn’t going to want her cervix beat up. Gentleman, it’s about foreplay. No female wants a giant penis in her bone dry who-who.


Average is also dependent on the country and such you reside in.

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Actually, in studies where the researchers measure it themselves rather than relying on self-reporting, there is no statistically significant difference in average size between people of different nationalities. The only group they found to be more well-endowed on average is gay men.

that’s me :smirk:


Holy shit fam. That’s probably the closest we’ll get but damn. That honestly just sounds like glamour magick

Thanks, two pump chump, very cool.


Jokes on you I don’t pump I read books


Someone is throwing shade :rofl:


You can still pump books. looks at spongebob-esque teddy bear weights

Lmao I am the shade


:rofl: this thread is ridiculous. Magick isn’t a shortcut.

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