Belial : help wanted

TBH I have no idea what Reddit is. I am VERY bad with technology. This forum is great as it is simple as fuck :slight_smile:

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Itā€™s similar to a forum, but where you interact with specific sub-forums, each moderated by itā€™s own moderators. Anyone can create a sub and moderate it. That can be good and bad. Lot of echo chambers going on.

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I can relate to your issues with drinking and having such a being on your ass lol. I have a strong connection with Astaroth but she has been very short with me lately about taking the steps in the right direction. They mean well, they just DO NOT tolerate disrespect and not keeping your commitments.

The way you described it, I think your flatmate caught the ambient energy from your confrontation with Belial. A few offerings in apology would help, but moreso if you are trying hard to achieve your goals. The Gods understand far more deeply than humans what a persons positives and negatives are and a lot of times we humans need a swift kick in the ass.


Belial is a powerhouse. He is serious about power and unhinged ascent. He will push you to your edge and hold you there and just patiently wait for you to grow. He is in no way subtle.
It is also pretty common for him to initiate practitioners with a test. If you are serious about contacting he will be serious. He holds no room for warming people up, he kinda just holds you in infernal energy until you acclimate. There were multiple times where I had the option to stop contacting him. But I never did. Whenever Is feel fear or anxiety surrounding him Iā€™d interrogate the energy and probe for information.


I live in Southern California itā€™s not uncommon to know stoners who smoke daily. So I understand what you mean. I started asking for guidance while I smoked and Iā€™d have horrid trips. Like completely chaotic experiences, Iā€™d see a lot but Iā€™d also feel so much anxiety and deep truama. Whatever lesson I was going to learn I was either going to do it sober or not. Had to throw away a few peices and stomp out my weed a couple times. Also a few of hospital visits. I changed my approach to the plant and have had mostly great trips since. The relationship I have with MJ is like how we first met. I do not feel a need to smoke her everyday but I can smoke a lot again and ride out the high. Today I went to the gym and had dinner with my friends after smoking. We could barely breathe we were laughing so hard and the food was great. 5 months ago I probably would have been shaking at the table and breathing super heavy.

He requires self control from his students. Once I started using my substance differently it was much more of a reward, Iā€™d feel very little guilt. Right now I actually have had a lot of access to alcohol. Alcoholism is no stranger to my family, so I was a little weary about my Irish side getting a taste for whiskey, vodka, or beer. But itā€™s great, I drink it enjoy it. Sometimes I will escape and overdrink, I get a pounding headache or an upset stomach and just note ā€œOh Iā€™m cool being drunk but that level of drunk isnā€™t funā€ and thatā€™s it.

I gave a lot of personal background but I felt ā€œHeā€™ll help with thatā€ was not sufficient.

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Amen! I totally agree that I got the kick up the arse I needed. In hindsight one can only cringe as to my behavior. I messed up but am hoping to make amends Can you recommend any particular offerings apart from blood that I might use to smooth things over with him? He is a tremendous being. Heā€™s like a drill Sargent, even his manner of speaking is commanding and matter of fact. I have learnt that he works quickly and he has NO patience for sentiment and he HATES it when I cry and feel sorry for myself. It is an honour working with him as it feels like you are at boot camp and if you donā€™t shape up you better ship out. I am keeping my head down for the next few days, magically speaking, working towards setting up my business and defining my goals and am at present awaiting his instructions. It is so encouraging to know that there are other people out there that have had similar experiences. Thank you all!


I can completely relate. I love drinking, too much. Here it is a social thing, you go to the pub, have a couple of pints, chat,go home, at home I might crack open another bottle or two and go to bed. Waking up I might feel a tad rough so I will have a pint on the way to work, hair of the dog and to my job. Then in the evening whilst cooking I might have some more beer etc. What started out as fun has become a crutch. I am in no ways an alcoholic, my mother is and she is in the terminal stage so I know what it looks like. I donā€™t have shakes or any withdrawal symptoms but I agree it is too much.It also makes me lazy, putting things off until tomorrow and THAT is what needs to stop. I started doing kundalini yoga as it is the only kind of exercise i can do at present with my foot, I enjoy it very much. If I am brutally honest with myself I had a bit of that attitude ā€œBelial is in the driver seat he will sort things outā€ HA! WRONG! it is you (me) who needs to sort things out. Oh well, as the saying goes, what does not kill you makes you stronger.


Honestly I havenā€™t worked with Belial a lot so I wouldnt know what he prefers for an offering. Astaroth is my Guardian and she sees to it I dont need to look elsewhere for much. In my experience though its not neccessarily something rote, ā€œits the thought and effort that countā€. A personally made gift would be HIGHLY appreciated; a poem, food you cooked yourself, homemade jewelry etc. etc. Maybe you have a hobby that you can make into something.

Despite what many make of these beings they want to see us reach a point where we can handle shit for ourselves and evolve to their level. They donā€™t want us grovelling to them to fix every little problem in our lives (especially when people are usually the creators of their own misery). It can be rough having a bond with a God at times, but you should feel honored he is willing to go out of his way for you.

Btw tai-chi is also good, idk exactly what is wrong with your foot but its something else to look into.


I just started working with Belial. Just communicating, through meditation. So far I canā€™t see how he could be affecting her this way. Was planning on a proper evocation, and sure hope it doesnā€™t make me feel like that. Maybe sheā€™s particularly sensitive to his energy, it seems to be quite strong and can linger, but I would do the banishing ritual above if needed.