Being a empath. Pros and cons?

So I stumbled upon this term “Empath” and it really resonatet with me.
I always been super sensitiv to my surrounding, to peoples emotions, to my own emotions (always been feeling strongly and intensly), through art etc, etc.
Like for exampel when I was a child I couldnt say No to almost anyone. If someone wanted to play for exampel and my father didnt allow it for any reason or whatever, I would carry with me the sense of guilt like a dark cloud, like the weight of the world was on my shoulders for denying someone who I often didnt even know, something.
And couple of weeks ago I went to church for evening meeting to gain som piece of mind and this blind dude walks up to the front with a basket of prayers wich he then lifted up to the sky and prayed for. And as you maybe guessed. Tears were bursting out. So beaufitul.
So maybe we see this empathic ability as “honorble” or whatever (at least of what I read about it.) But the truth is that its pretty fucking draining a lot of times. For one to feel the pain of others constantly, the pain of the world, etc. I didnt no this term before I just got angry with myself and told myself to quit being a bitch and manning the Fuck up. With I do sometimes of course I dont walk around town sobbing, hehe!
Any other empaths here who can share experience and maybe come with tricks to cope better?


I’ve got a feeeling you’re going to really like this thread:


Holy shit, yeah!.. :anguished:
#wisdomseasonapproaching :joy:


I’ve heard of sympathetic magick where you manipulate someone to feel what you feel. You might be quite good at this!

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