Basic Rite to Lucifer + Delepitore

I wanted to know if anyone here has done the Basic Rite and if so what was your experience with it?
I used to do this rite every day for months, because I wanted to draw Lucifer near into my life.
After some weeks I started adding blood upon His sigil so the rite became blood magick.
Offering your blood really does attract Him and actually other demons and spirits as well.
I learned long time a go that you dont get something for nothing; there is always a price.
Your blood is surely doing something for something.
I found a link to the rite here: Basic Rite To Lucifer | Magistra Ardat Lile
(*Otherewise I havent read anything on that page)

Also Im curious to know, that there is allot about Lucifer here on this forum and I think Ive read many many posts about Him here, but no one mentions Delepitore. She is a Demoness of Magick and appears to me looking like this very pretty gypsy woman, and She is close to Lucifer.
Understand that I am not preaching or promoting Demonolatry, Im just curious if any other has done similar things and would share the experience with others :slightly_smiling_face:

Any thoughts?


Well. I must say she has slipped between my knowledge. I’ll look her up.

Delepitorae or Delepitore the demoness of sorcery enlightenment

Delepitoré - (unknown) Demon of witchcraft enlightenment.

Honestly, I’ll have to crack open my own books and look because only your own personal research ever gets anywhere imho. Me and the attempts at quick links and solutions. Hah. Well, consider me enlightened enough to look her up.

Delepitoré- (Female) Demon of magic. : Deyen pretore ramec Delepitore on ca - She is tall and slender, with blue/gray eyes. She possesses all the knowledge of sorcery and carries with her an oak wand with a glazed crystal tip. She appears most often in blue cloaks and capes. Patient and reserved. Pay attention not to anger her, as she knows the Demons Tezrian and Sonnellion well.

Please take the Demon Delepitoré into consideration. In the Dukanté hierarchy, she is the Demon of Magic and is a member of the first family.



Pytho Lúcifer









From book 7 of the Grimoire of Dukanté Notes: Page 49 (Note: p/o faz part of)
Delepitorae = ar aquoso p / o

Water = Sonnellion, Verrine, Verrier, Leviathan Delepitorae

Earth = Baalberith, Unser, Eurynomous, Belphagore, Babael, Ronwe

Air = Lucifer, Lucifuge Rofocale

Fire = Asmodeous, Tezrian

A rite of demonolatry to make a pet a familiar
~ Delepitorae
a cast of some kind of pet hair/scales
your own hair / nail clippings / blood dragons blood oil your element candle
Build a circle. Light the altar candles. Your pet must be in the room with you. Light your elemental candle. In the mold, place some of the animal’s hair or scales mixed with your own hair, shavings or blood. Take your elemental candle and drip its wax into the mold. While doing this, add the dragon’s blood and mix it into the mold as well. Once it dries, remove it from the mold and carve the sigil of your patron Demon onto it. Allow your pet to touch and see. Keep this item on your altar or in a safe place.

Unsure of this one: Sickness Sleep
Place a Verrine sigil written backwards in blood among the enemy’s mattress, under their bed, or sewn into their pillowcases. The victim will be moody.
A work of demonolatry to get a co-worker in trouble. ~ Delepitorae
tansy lichen (moss)
garlic mullein
Sprinkle this and sprinkle it on the victims closet or things while saying: 10D GÂNICO

Below are some definitions of the Enns that were received from an ascension with Delepitorae

Asta - Ashtaroth

Et - And

Fubin - (the) Flame

Ganic - Fire

Geana - Mystery

Jedan - Water

Hesta - Curse

Hoet - Our Lanire - Liar

Lirach - Earth

Naca - Circle (ring)

Par - Thee

Renich - Air

Roroth - (bring) to me

Tasa - Protect

Uberaca Biasa Icar - the surrounding sky

Vefa - This Wehle - Soil

Withar - Discover

The Enns are magickal invocations meant to call upon the Demonic spirits. No one knows what language the Enns come from. They were deemed Demonic Enns in late 16th century by demonolator Alexander Willit. The Enns are unique in that they appear across several family grimoires that are from different geographic locations, and remain the same.

The Enns :
Delepitore - Deyen Pretore Ramec Delepitore On Ca

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@Caduceus Please remember that linking to outside groups and communities is against the rules of this forum. I’ve edited your post and removed the Tumblr and other forum links,

I’m so sorry. I’ve been away for a while and just had not realized these issues. I should have refreshed myself with the site protocols and precautions. Thank you for looking out for me and taking care of the links. I’ll be more careful knowing this now.

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