YESSS! !! Thank you!
@Dinmiatus so did the spentas only recently become aware of their place on the menu? Or what triggered the “spiritual spotlight” you referenced?
Someone inadvertently preformed a rite with the seal of arezure without a requisite alchemical operation being preformed. The alchemical operation essentially cloaks one in spirtual shadow so their are not noticed by the spentas till its too late for them to react from my understanding. But since it wasnt preformed its like he went to dinner with a spotlight on him and the whole current.
The forces we aim to devour in the work are egregore but ancient egregore with the energy of thousands of years of worship from countless people so it isnt that they dont have power. Its just not their power.
This is why part of the work is the usurping of this energy through the talisman of counter creation. It syphons the energy of worship from the site it is buried filter it through the alter and sends it to the zanda. The effect being the zanda essentially becomes the object of worship wether those on the site know it or not.
I can speak as to the effectiveness of the practice myself due to my first experiment with it outside the normal specs. Shit is intense
I buried my first talisman at the UT stadium to test a theory. During the period where football season was active it felt like i was mainlining caffine for almost 4 months and change regardless of how much ritual work was doing but soon as football season ended in December i started feeling like a corpse till i buried my first on holy ground.
Hmm… Interesting, I will make a note of that consept of order.
I would LIKE to try and get one on a major stadium like the NFL,NBA or olympic stadiums to see how far i can push this concept
Essentially sports stadiums being the modern equivilent of the roman colosseum who used gladitory fights as living tributes.
The focus of “worship” being the teams of the individual sports. Givin how it effected me i would say the theory was accurate
with 1 drawback lmao
I’m asuming the type of order you are refering to it the more man made consept of order?
Yes and no. As the “order” of religion is a man made concept. But there is a clockwork type of order that certain forces do repesent.
Poor bastard.
raises a glass in remembrance of those whose primary destiny is to serve as cautionary tales for the rest of us
Far as i am aware he is fine lol things have just gotten a taaaaad crazier for everyone with new rites to boot lol the current is still evolving outside the context of the book day by day. Some of it comes up on the Facebook group some of it here.
Lady Eva gave a good example of the idea of universal “clockwork order” here.
I work with what one may call a more primal order. Somthing akin to what might seem like chaos to us. Like a mother eating her young. To us it makes no sens on the surface, but to the mother she is culling the sick.
Did I convey that understandably?
From my perspective this force of “clockwork order” has nothing to do with ahura mazda though.
My own experience with Michael and reading about some of the experiences with Raphael supported this idea for me. They or at least the force contacted have certain functions that they focus on and this is why they don’t care one way or the other about who they work with if it aligns with their function.
I was working with Nyarlathotep at the same time frame i was working with Michael so if you want what would amount to polar opposites to the “reglious” there ya go
I think i get the idea.
@Dinmiatus, @KurtisJoseph, @Lady_Eva … Just out of curiousity, are their archangels/zodiac angels in that system?
If so, are there correspondences to the Judaic ones?
Yes these are the aeshma spentas or emenations of ahura mazda.
If i remember right the constellations are in the avastan texts but idk if they angels assigned to each.
No clue haven’t dug into this.
My work of late has been planetary,elemental or demonic if not related to the path if smoke. No angelic work is on my current menu of late. Least not for now.
Oh, well that’s good (if a tad anticlimactic).
I was half-expecting a tale of ghoulish slaughter, possibly involving being seized by an invisible monster in broad daylight and devoured horribly before horrified onlookers, a la Abdul Alhazred.
Lmao this is not the al-azif though the warning in the text are there for a reason
Hey, All. Sup?
slams back a Monster energy drink