Bad luck

over the past few years i was getting depressed and depressed the main reason was my life i was failing at everything school relationships etc. time by time nothing changed im still stuck in that misery. i’m wondering is there a cure for this? am i cursed or something i really need help

There are a few ways can go about it; one, you can get a reading done( many ppl on the forum suggest this btw,) I usually start with uncrossing work. You can also contact spirits for help in removing any curses place on you.

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The N 1 Problem with most people on this website is that they rely on spirits too much. If they wanna go to the toilet, they’ll ask Lucifer if its a good Idea (sorry Lucy your name is the first that popped in my mind, you know I love you), and ask Lilith to hold their dicks while they piss and Belial ( I love you too, I might work with you in the futur promise) to wipe their ass.

So where am I going with this ?

What I’m trying to convey to you is that you might be “”“Broken”“” but you are not beyond repairing, and you can do that yourself. Have you been cursed ? Idk, If you’re from an african country just like me probably. If you’re not maybe there is a spirit on your ass. But less us look at the most probable reason shall we ?

You probably had a traumatic childhood. Maybe not as traumatic as other kids, but to a child every experience is enhanced to the point of extreme. Or maybe like me you have a mix of ADHD and Autism which makes you sensible even to small stimulus.

What I’m trying to tell you is, Maybe it’s all in your head, and not in your head as in “you’re imagining it” in your head as in “your past experiences continuously create your present life circumstances”

Think about it : what is the first rule of the hermetic Law that has been waterdowned by every 16 year of Bad Bitch LOA youtuber who try to manifest a message from their ex ?( not judging i’ve been there too) First Hermetic Law : All is mind, the universe is mental. What you focus on is what you manifest, that’s what you learn first. But let’s talk about memory for a second (I promise all of this has a point and it will soon be over bare with me I have a solution)

Memory work through your Hypocampus. It’s not actually stored, It is played, as in, all the events of your life are constantly being played again and again in your mind, including the negative ones. Negative memories have 2 fonctions :

  1. Replaying themself in your mind again and again so you do not repeat them
  2. Repeating themself in your mind so you can solve the underlying emotional trauma associated with them.

Add that to the first hermetic Law and you have an ungoing Living Hell, and i’m not talking about the Qliphot.

So where i am i going with all this rembling ?

My point is, you are not a lost cause. You can heal these underlying emotions. Not by calling on Zeus Or Hera Or your mom, you don’t need a spirit. And not with a psychologist, fuck that, we ain’t got neither the time nor money for that shit. Here is a more viable solution :

Starting minute 12 of this Video, This man, this Myth, THIS ABSOLUTE BEAST OF A LEGEND teachs in full FOR FREE ON YOUTUBE a method he usually makes people pay thousands of dollars to get. Since I took his full course and he posted it for free on youtube, i’m gonna take the freedom to explain it to you here (Watch the video or you won’t understand)

  1. Close your Eyes and focus on your breathing and relax your body. know that you will be fine. you are in security. no one can hurt you, no one can moke you. know that the All Powerful Force that created the Universe loves you, and in this moment he protects you and oversees this operation of hypnosis
  2. Think about the stuff that is bothering you - could be about your personality, thought pattern, something that keeps happening to you, negative emotions you have, doesn’t matter what it is, just think about it.
  3. as you think about it notice there is an emotion associated with it. With thus emotion there is a feel, a sensation in your body. Put your hand on the place this feeling starts
  4. with this feeling there is an image. This image floats somewhere near your body. with your other hand, grab that image (the closer to your face the image is, the more traumatic the event was - though that does not affect the rest of the operation)
  5. with both of your hands trace the extremeties of the image so that you may know how big it is
  6. grab the image with both hands and make it smaller, bigger. Notice how it makes you feel
  7. nmove the image around. Notice how it makes you feel.
  8. put the image back to it’s place with it’s original size, and imagine that with your dominant hand, you trace a Black Frame around the Image
  9. know that on this frame there are 2 knobs - a sound knob and a light knob
  10. move the sound knob until the sound is at it’s maximum, then reduce the sound until you can’t hear anything
  11. move the light knob until the image becomes all white, that move it all the way around until it becomes all black. Notice which one you prefer and set it that way
  12. with your dominant hand, imagine that the is a yellow gold - or any other color that comes to your mind in that moment - liquid dripping off of the tip of your finger
  13. Every traumatic experience exists for a reason - to avoid you being in the same situation again. Know that if you write down every lesson that this event brought, you will be able to let everything else go.
  14. Start to write on the black screen everything that is on your heart and mind about that event that you were never able to express, to communicate. Every lesson that your mind was trying to save throught this event. don’t over think it - just write. there is no one to jugde here, just you and the frame and you are 100% free to express everything that comes, no political correctness, no judgement, no laughter or shame, feel free to write. You can cry, tear, scream o It’s all Okay. You can write in french, in english in hebrew you can even even make drawings. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand yourself, your mind knows what it is letting of off. just go with the flow.
  15. once you are done, and everything that was on your mind has been set on the image, grab the image with both hand and make it as small as a postal stamp. Than, throw the image behind you and imagine it going into the depts of space, so far it will never come back
  16. test and see how tou feel
  17. calm yourself, count from 3 to 1 and open your eyes

I hope i didn’t make this too complicated. It’s pretty easy when you do it yourself. If you feel any doubt about your ability to follow this operation, that start by using this very operation on your feeling of doubt itself trust me, you will be surprised.

Also emotional release seems to strenghen magick. If you still feel like the sky if falling on you after doing this operation on all your traumas, Purchase Magickal Protection From Damon Brand. You can find reviews of it on this website using the search function. If you have any quesiton, then by all means ask them. But the sure to watch the video i Linked.

Here us another Video showxasing the exact same technique :

Peace out.


@Lady_Eva @DarkestKnight Is this kind of post I just shared Allowed ?

I don’t see why not. It doesn’t violate any rules that I can see, but Eva knows best.

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You’ve made a lot of good points. I bought into the same repetitive frame of mind myself. I began using magic along with mundane methods to get a better sense and hold on my internal problems. Eg. Got constant financial problems? Well, then why do your ass wind up in a same 'ol crap over &over? I had to take a hard & honest look at myself, instead of looking for a quick fix.

Sometimes you can turn to perfume and have them hold your penis in the toilet. They just show you how lazy you are instead. We can say that you can think of everything you are talking about on your own, and this is so, but when you ask the spirits for something, help often consists in forcing the expansion of your consciousness. In addition, personally, it is not enough for me to look objectively at my life and say “oh, here I am playing the fool, I need to make an effort,” no, this is crap, I need a kick in the ass, I need clear instructions, at least I need, so that the wise forces would tell me “you are doing everything right, do what you want, we are with you,” then I will do something. Otherwise, I just know that I will have to make senseless mistakes again, and learning from my own mistakes in some specific situations is rather stupid.

You make a very good point my friend.