Attempt at evoking furcas

Tonight is the second night that I have attempted to evoke a demon. The first one I tried to evoke was lucifer and I ended it because I was afraid. (Hearing his enn being played in a dark room scared me). Tonight was the second time I attempted to evoke a demon and I choose furcas. I want to increase my psychic abilities and intuition so I chose him. I was doing some reading about the process of evoking and I basically read that evocation doesn’t always have to include special items to aid the evocation process. Anyways long story short, During my evocation attempt, I feel like I made some sort of connection. I was alarmed because the candle I had lit made a loud thud sound (a large piece of wax fell on the table I assume) and I kept hearing slight noises around me. Then I kept seeing a faint white/yellowish light in my peripheral sight. It’s hard to explain. I do feel like I felt a presence as well. I felt a cold energy around me also. I tried not to think too much of it because I didn’t want to feel like I was forcing myself to overthink things. But that was pretty much the summery. Any tips,advice,insight or input would be gladly appreciated. Also if you have any experience with furcas please share that. Thank you !

Sounds like you made contact with someone. Maybe try to meditate on his enn and see what you get as far as how he reacted to the ritual.

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The LBRP would take care of your fear. With the LBRP you are calling on the four archangels to protect you before you work with any demon


Just so you know, the evocation isn’t the hard thing. You could literally just call their name once, and let it be the word that enters them into the room.

The hard part is actually knowing they’re there, when you’re a beginner.

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I have worked with Furcas. He did test me at first. It was to teach me to verify that I was indeed talking to the correct spirit. You can use the planet or tarot that correspond with them as a question to be asked. Anyway, he taught me much and he is a good teacher.


Please how can I contact Furcas. Please help me

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One of the possible approachs is sigil gazing. Draw the sigil of Furcas, the best you can but without too much worry:

Then try looking at it in a relaxed yet intimate way, for some minutes. Some people see the lines disappear, then appear again almost as if the sigil was floating on the paper: a sign that is “open”.
Now you may do an actual evocation, or directly ask for either information or make a request. Developed astral senses help with seeing and/or hearing the spirit, although it may also happen automatically, by having a mental image or a thought popping up.