Astrological Magic Mechanics

How does it work?

Example …
I have a birth chart, name, and possibly picture. Sympathetic magic item … Check.

Open or invoke hexagrams. Check.

Conjure constellations. Check.

But I want to alter their current lives by overloading their chart. How is it done? How does it work?


:face_with_monocle: interesting… Ive been playing around with an idea similar to this expect instead of invoking or evoking the planetary energies the changes are evoked.

This idea was formed with the idea of it aimed at self for alchemical change or summoning certain circumstance when aimed at a situation but at the moment the knowledge base of vedic astrology is outside my scope to do atm.

Working on correcting thus but this stuff is alot to take in lol :rofl: and the reason i am using vedic astrology as a base for it instead of western is cause the more i dig into the more i find i may be able to incorporate it into my current practice In ritual context.


Now in a broader since if you have the data for someone’s natal charge you could i. Theory use that as the sympathetic link as potentially it is a map of their very energetic essence and then manipulate the current state of affairs but positioning the transits where you need them and evoking it into existence. Kinda of a planetary devils stone( <- BOA reference) ritual.

Another idea that bubbled up while ive been down this rabbit hole. No idea if it os effective again the details of the more complex aspects of astrology are outside my current knowledge base.


Another interesting facet of vedic astrology is from what i understand of it there is a method to figure out the various seed mantras linked to the various part of self depending on where certain planets fall in the chart. Potentially that could have all kinds of fun uses lol


Okay, so that is the general idea I had,
1 Setup and open temple
2 Set intent with godform and vibration
3 Invoke energies and raise energy
4 Invoke planets involved with signs invoking
5 Conjure constellations with wand and sign
6 Invoke and evoke the energy, projecting it to the sympathetic target.
7 Close temple.
8 Invoke Saturn to shutdown7 other planets invoked
9 Banishing pentagram to balance mind
10 Create sacred space and wards
11 Invoke the seven archangels.

I followed everything up the the 7 archangels, but i havent worked any other than Michael so that could be why.

Other than that seems like a solid ritual to me. :+1:
Curious to hear how the results turn out.

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I have other question:
Can demons overcome astrological flaws that person have in natal chart?
Example: After analysing your natal chart, conclusions agree with experience that you suck in for expl. finances or love/relationship life. Can evocated demon overcome this?

Change up the emphasis of energies in their life, give Cancer more priority than Virgo, the Sun more expression than Mars for example.

If you want it the boring way there’s a book named something like “book of the archer” or something.

Just evoke some entities of Sagittarius geared towards changing fates and paths to teach you or do it for you if you can’t directly influence them.

To overcome astrological flaws either contact the beneficient aspects of whatever it is or change your own energetic expressions of the energies by changing your relationship with whatever constellation, evoke it and do some inner alchemy basically.


Can’t find this book, can you give autor’s name? So one should evoke energy of zodiac sign as i understand? Or planetary energy?

Yes, and the consciousness which is how I usually do it.


Evoking consciosnes? I heard about that once, but have no idea how to do that.

Well, Overloading their chart is the intend?
Draw in their opposite birth sign.
The one which least coresponds to their fate.
Bind it into the target, and it’ll be loaded with constant issues.
I did something similar once,
didn’t fully formulate it out,
just used curse powder to make the person crumble.



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dude where is your old avatar i always wondered wtf was that thing?

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Do you mean me?
It’s actually more a question for PM, but anyways.
i changed it to Yberion’s sigil,
before i had Yberion’s Astral Form (Face),
as my Avatar.

Besides, i’m currently preparing work on altering my Egregores,
so i don’t want his Face out in the Public so much currently.



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Dear community members:

I am new in this forum. I am a young man from Barcelona, Spain, working in the professional field of art & history and a practitioner of chaos magic. I found this discussion on “Astrological Magic Mechanics” truly fascinating. I have an interesting question for you. Is it possible to manipulate/change certain aspects of fate/destiny related to an astral chart? Which should be the best method? Sympathetic / contagious magic?

According to the book “The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology”, in the “Greek Magical Papyri” (PGM XIII) there is a ritual to invoke Shai (god of destiny in Egypt) and our own Agathos Daimon in order to transform our fate or even the destiny of other human beings.

Practical purpose:

I am looking for an improvement in my personal life. I have a very spiritual and intimate relationship with an extraordinary guy who lives in Germany. He works in the alternative medicine field and we held several magic rituals. In theory he has been straight all his life, but now we are more than friends. It seems that he has an inner conflict of identity and he is not yet able to recognize his bisexuality. On his natal chart, it is interesting to see that his 5th house is in Scorpio, with the planets Pluto and Saturn. His 10th house is in Aries, with the planets Mars and Venus. How can I “reshape” in a magical way his astral chart to reinforce his true sexual orientation and have a partnership with me? He is definitely the man of my life and he admits it, but he is very afraid of society and family.

Please, DM me if you need more details.

Thanks and all my blessings for you.

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Welcome @Abraxa Please properly introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

Hi! Thanks for your message.

I already introduced myself in the New Magician and Introductions area

We keep in touch, best regards.

How would you do this if you don’t know the exact time?

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