Astral Body reconstruction

So I know someone in the forum whose Astral Body is a bit damaged. This is a big issue for him obviously. How does one go about filling in the damage in Astral body? Damage in Astral body weakens the soul so this is not good at all.

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Depends on how the Wound was created.

You tread a flesh wound differently,
when it was from a burn, than from a cut or impact.

Similar here.

But generally,
in all forms of Healing,
including this one,
you want to add good Energetic Circulation,
to the Area which is wounded,
and prevent the wound from getting worse.

Either by Desinfecting it,
and leaving it open (/better!!),
or by having it covered with a patch.

I recommend leaving the wound open for two reasons:

Most, highly dangerous bacteria are Anerob. Which means,
they dislike (can’t stand) air.

So fresh air, natrually kills the worst type of infections you can get.

and open wound constantly reminds you to be careful and take things easy,
to avoid getting more of those.

At the same time,
Your intent unconciously dropps to the wound and wants to cure it by natrual means.

(hence, why many people open up wounds several times,
which normally people tell you not to do,
because you interfere with the healing.)

it does interfeer.
But, the re-opening of the Wound,
means more Air comming in,
and the Wound healing to much less Scar left over afterwards.

That being said,
for Spirit Body Healing,
you basically focus your will on manifesting you spirit body,
actually FEELING it,
and then send as much Energy as you can,
from Crown / root chakra (Heaven gate, Earth gate),
into that area which has been wounded,
until it fills and becomes “solid” as the rest of the body again.

If you feel The Energy doesn’t match your specific needs,
you might have to cycle the energy a couple of times through your body,
which makes it attune to your specific frequency.

that’s only needed when you feel the normal approach really didn’t help.

The next stronger form of healing would be,
to create a complete new Astral Body,
but normally isn’t necessary,
it would have to be wounded very severely,
for that.

i recommend what you’d recommended any sick person:

Absorb good energy,
have good food and air,
and rest a lot.

Your Subconcious is much better at healing,
than your consciousness can ever get.

All your consciousness can do,
is aid it in it’s work,
and help make it go faster or better.




Learn to heal your energy body, ground, etc. Depending on the damage.

However, no damage to the astral body doesn’t weaken the soul, it just weakens the astral body, in which case that same body depending on the plane you go to will still have that damage because the astral body isn’t “just the astral body” it adjusts to whatever plane you enter and the damage remains. Which messes up your ability to do effective energy work depending on the damage.

