Army Medical test and recruitment help

Could marbas help make my eye and hearing tests at MEPS passable you think or would I pick someone else for that. My eyes and ears are good I just wanna make sure everything is A+

My 2 cents or plug nickel is this: IF you get in (and didn’t lie saying no known medical issues) you will be put in a desk job.

If you lie the it’ll be like @anon39079500 said drummed out and prosecuted.

I had a cousin in the Canadian military. He got in a boating accident while on leave. Because it resulted in a medical condition he was put on desk jobs and given the option to (not sure this is the right term) retire. He took that option after a bit of being a desk jockey. The point of my cousin story (which is true) is this: if you get in with a Known medical condition you’ll be a desk jockey.

Now I don’t know all the detail in my cousins case but I know that he had a choice of pretty much be a desk jockey or leave (as his injury happened on his own time from his own actions essentially that’s how it played out. Desk or leave).

I learned 2 things from that. First, the army may take or keep you if you have a condition and second don’t boat drunk at night. (He was in the boating accident because the boat driver was drunk and hit a rock).

So think carefully because best case scenario you get a desk job worst case scenario you lie get caught and get a criminal record for lying to the government and get jail time. Neither option sounds all that appealing if you ask me, but this is your decision and whatever you decide you gotta live with it.

Add: after all that my cousin went back to carpentry and helping build houses as far as I know. Kind of lost touch with him and his sibs after his dad moms brother died it we still do the Xmas card to his sisters.

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I’m asking king paimon to help me get infantry on the ASVAB and by manipulating some thoughts

I’m asking bael to help keep everything in MEPS invisible

So I think I should be ok

Then good luck to you (and remember you can always join a militia, from my understanding they’re less fussy then the regular army).

Add: only problem is if ya get captured militias aren’t covered by the Geneva convention and have no government backing them up so if caught then baddies can do whatever they please and you get no rescue and no one will negotiate your release cuz you aren’t official army/navy/airforce/marine/special-forces.

Add: I do not endorse or recommend militia involvement as it is unsanctioned and may in some cases violate the laws of your country.

I do however endorse and recommend obeying the laws of your country (including any relevant to any type of military enlistment)

Hey my two cents again. Infantry platoons are a very tight knit group of soldiers, sometimes their relationship is more than family. Remember in that type of environment you are only as strong as the weakest link. Now granted I do not know your medical condition, but consider that you might have to be able to carry a wounded buddy that depending on the unit (mechanized or light infantry) could weigh 150+ lbs, sow really put that in check before you decide you want infantry. Remember if you join the service you might need to put others before you, and think if you will be able to give it your all and not be a burden to the platoon. Sorry for sounding over dramatic but it is true and that is my experience from 2001-2006.
Now your question about president Marbas is yea he more than likely would be able to help you pass your physical exam.


Ah, I think I know what’s going on here. He’s enlisting so he can claim something (existing) happened because of service.

All right, I won’t waste any more time here. Best of luck.

Where is that coming from that is not true at all…the reasons on why I’m enlisting stay between my recruiter and I…insinuating I am enlisting for attention is plain ridiculous.

This reminds me of my own experience with joining. I was attempting to join the Army. I was only about 90 points, 5’2 and a toothpick. However there were girls much shorter then me and with a diet change, a routine work out and the amazing feedback from the recruiters they were basically strong Amazon women lol. They looked past my past history of asthma and my double uterus condition that made me have some unfortunate monthly experiences. They even was all on board to help get me to get my GED and honestly I felt the most support I ever had with anyone.

Sadly I have only one kidney do to nature deciding it :woman_shrugging:t2: So that was a bust. But really based on my experiences unless you have something extreme that could be a problem (like one kidney) then you should be fine. They are (especially at this time) wanting as many people as they can get and that means waving things that they use to not wave.

I’d say you got this! Belial in him self is an excellent choice. He’ll definitely get you ready. Asmodeous could as well and if your so concerned about your medical condition I would say pick one that could “ease” things over. Who knows you may not be the only one. Like I said in the past they made you have a high school diploma now they are willing to even drive you down to the testing center to get you in. So I’d say there’s nothing to worry.

Alright thanks

what happened ? i am dealing with a similar situation

I tried deleting this could an admin help me potentially lol.

We’re not going to delete a thread with over thirty replies. I will close it, however.

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