Are Rituals Even Needed?

Thanks a lot for sharing your opinion. Yes “fun” is an important factor for me to. I don’t mean to take rituals lightly, but if it feels like a burden or obligation, I don’t see the point in doing it…

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Thank you very much! I really like the secret you just shared. It somehow helped me calm down a bit and don’t stress to much about when and how often to do a ritual.

The excerpt you provided does a good job explaining that point. Really helpful stuff that intrigued me to read more of the work. Again, thank you very much!

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Pretty much it sometimes feels like a burden to do so I do it when necessary but only when it feels fun in the moment. Which is why I more times do without ritual but same results.

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If u think about it a meditation is a type of ritual. I’m saying you can’t just think “hi” to Belgian and hell come

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Ok, now I understand what you mean. Never thought of meditation as a form of ritual as it’s not something I usually plan, or need any items to meditate. But it makes sense and I kinda like the idea :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you.

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Perhaps, might one consider that the requirement for specifics in ritual might be an attempt to carry over Imperical / Scientific methods. The mentality that if a set of actions yeilds these results, that is the only method that will succeed and deviation is unaccepted.

The thing is, just as Science is growing and breaking its own rules, so is the Occult. Some of us dont need the full fledge regalia while for others it is a necessity to achieve desired results. There are even monks teaching people about manifestation, and while they have their own rituals the differences are obvious from the LHP.

Personally, I dont think I need rituals, but they do help to become familiar with the energy being worked with until it is entrained with yours enough to be called upon with a whisper or thought. After working with King Paimon for nearly a year I can sense when he is around me even outside of my home. Occasionally he knocks around my coffee mug if I walk close enough to my Altar.

This response is aimed at newer members :slight_smile:

For human beings the act of ritual I believe is a necessary step in your evolution. It is the act of doing something over and over again with success until you get it right. It needs to become a part of you almost to the point of a subconscious reflex. The sights, tastes, smells, sounds and feeling behind it all need to be there to acquire successful completion. We are sensory beings, and all of that creates a kind of memory for you.

You will not have to do rituals forever, because once you’ve built the connection, everything will just come naturally. You’ll just remember and your essence will kick into autopilot and the same effect can be achieved. if That makes sense.

For any self titled newbie on here, my advice would be to definitely get the ritual down first otherwise you’ll have no discipline and possibly undesirable results.

One of EA’s guidances is to develop or use a working system.

So to start, that is good advice LOL, Like i’m an expert!

But just my humble opinion.


I have joined the forum 2 nights ago and I am blown away :crazy_face: with the depth and colossal amount of information.

It’s like knowledge pours out, like sweat in a sauna.

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It is totally possible to get in contact, as well as a sign of tasks to a being without lighting even a single candle. Meditation and willpower are generally all that’s needed. The candles, the sigils, the oils and incense, the black cloaks and daggers. All of those things are simply to put your mind in the right state in order for you to be able to communicate effectively with the spirits.

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